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Toronto, ON
William Laskin's Website
Borealis Records

"I'm making a musical instrument, a tool for other people's creativity first and foremost. And no matter how stunning it looks, how great the joinery, if it doesn't play well and sound good, it's a complete failure."

· 2-year apprenticeship with instrument maker Jean Larrivee

Exhibitions, Accomplishments:
· "The Art Of The Guitar", Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA US
· "Opus:The Making of Musical Instruments in Canada", Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, QC
· Recipient, 1997 Prix Saidye Bronfman Award for excellence in the fine crafts - First instrument maker to recieve this award
· Advanced engraved inlay technique from decoration to a form of communication by expanding the degree of complexity and realism in the medium
· Originator of the built-in "Armrest" and"Ribrest" edge beveling guitar construction
· A founder of the Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans (ASIA) and author of the first code of ethics for the luthier's trade



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