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  Business Feature
April 2006 - Issue 47
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An Export Minute

Canada sometimes restricts trade through sanctions with foreign countries.

To find out more, you may want to check out the Canadian Economic Sanctions website at

The Area Control List (ACL) is a list of countries of which Canada controls exports to. Permits are required for exports to countries on the ACL (and they are difficult to get). The only country on this list at the moment is Myanmar (formerly known as Burma).

Take note when you are exporting US origin goods, you will have to identify what sanctions the US may hold with the export market.

For additional information on this topic, please contact The Business Link's Export Link at 1-888-811-1119.

E-Future Bytes

How can you turn your hobby into a business? One way is to find a large enough market that you can make a living doing what you enjoy.

The Internet may provide an alternative to taking your products to markets or fairs and get you access to larger markets. Setting up a website can be expensive and getting traffic to your site can also be a challenge. Using a third party online auction or storefront such as eBay can be less expensive and provides your products with high exposure.

If you are interested in learning more about online auctions, see the The Business Link'E-Future Centre’s info-guide on Internet Auctions.

Resource Feature

April 26th has been declared World IP Day, IP being Intellectual Property. IP includes copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies.

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) is the primary source of information on intellectual property and is the agency to which one applies to protect their original designs and products. Their website at is a very valuable source of information on legal requirements as well as databases listing currently registered intellectual property in Canada.

The Business Link Library has CIPO's five guides to the topics listed above along with approximately 75 other resources on intellectual property. Related topics such as how to license technology, naming and branding your product, licensing agreements, international intellectual property rights and guides for inventors are also covered.

Scroll down to the top ten list in this month's E-News! to find websites for intellectual property resources around the world.


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The Business Link
Business Service Centre
100-10237 104 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 1B1
Business Info Line:
780-422-7722 or
Fax: 780-422-0055

Click, call, or visit us for your Alberta business information needs.

Latest from the Link
The Cash Flow Management Crunch

Cash Flow is the term used to describe how cash circulates in and out of your business. It is involved with the timing of that movement of cash.

Why should you know about cash flow management? Cash is the lifeblood of a business and having enough of it is essential for your business to be healthy. Sales, in themselves, do not necessarily mean your business will have cash immediately available. Many businesses today have credit sales that often take 30 days or more to become cash in their account. In the meantime, while they are waiting for those credit sales to turn into cash, they have many bills that have to be paid.

What are the most important things you need to know in order to forecast your Cash Flow?
- Your sales forecast on a month by month basis
- Your monthly amount of credit sales vs. cash sales
- An estimate of the length of time your credit customers take to pay you
- The amount of your ongoing operating bills and when you pay them (e.g. rent and salaries)
- The amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the forecast period
- The amount of all bank and other loan payments that need to be made
- The amount and payment date of any irregular payment requirements (e.g. insurance)

While a cash flow forecast can be prepared for almost any period of time, the most common is monthly. If you have the information you need, it is easily done. For each period, you start with the amount of cash on hand at the beginning of that period, add in the amount of cash that will go into your bank during the period, and subtract everything that you pay during the period.

The Business Link has numerous sources of information on this important issue, such as various publications in The Business Link's Library, and an Accounting Guest advisor (available between noon and 4 p.m. on Wednesdays) who you can contact by emailing our office or by phone at 1-800-272-9675.


Mark Your Calendar - Events

spacerAwesome April Training Sessions

The month of April brings with it some excellent spring seminars and brown bag sessions. Visit us in Edmonton to attend any of our FREE lunchtime brown bag presentations which are video conferenced to other sites across Alberta.

If you are interested in attending any brown bag session or afternoon seminar and you are not near the Edmonton area, please contact us and we can locate the nearest centre offering this session via video conference; you can also access this information through the Entrepreneurship Learning Centre (ELC) website.

Do you know how your business can increase your presence online through the use of search engines? If not, this upcoming seminar is for you. You will learn how you can optimize your website to increase your ranking with the search engines. Please come and join us at The Business Link 100-10237 104 St, on Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. for a 3 hour seminar, there is a fee of $32.10 to participate; you can pre-register for this session or other seminars on our website if you wish.

Events at The Business Link
Date Time Topic Cost  
April 4 noon to 1 p.m. Tips for Tenants FREE VC Logo
April 5 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Accounts Receivable Collection $32.10

VC Logo

April 6 noon to 1 p.m. Going up...3rd Floor Business Success FREE VC Logo
April 6 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Starting Your Business $32.10  
April 11 noon to 1 p.m. E-Commerce Made Easy: Online Site Creation Wizard FREE VC Logo
April 13 noon to 1 p.m. Networking and the Ancient Chinese Art of Building Relationships FREE VC Logo
April 18 noon to 1 p.m. Website Maintenance FREE VC Logo
April 19 2:30 to 4 p.m.

The Business Link's Monthly Networking Event

April 19-20 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. FITT's Going Global 2-day Workshop $150 +GST  
April 20 noon to 1 p.m. Effective Web Marketing FREE VC Logo
April 20 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Search Engine Marketing for Small Business $32.10 VC Logo
April 21 noon to 1 p.m. Passport to Excellence - Supplier/Partner (an NQI brown bag session) FREE VC Logo
April 25 noon to 1 p.m. Shipping Your Goods to the U.S. and Overseas FREE VC Logo
April 27 noon to 1 p.m. Exporting Food Products FREE VC Logo

VC Logo Video-Conferenced Event  

Beyond Borders ...Your Passport to Exporting - May 9 and 10, 2006

Discover a world of opportunity beyond borders...The Business Link's Export Link with the support of the Alberta Chambers of Commerce presents: Beyond Borders...Your Passport to Exporting, the Second Annual Conference for Alberta businesses exploring global markets.

This one and a half day conference will:
- Explore current issues affecting exporting
- Provide a forum to facilitate export questions
- Present networking opportunities with service providers and Alberta businesses

For more information or to register, please contact The Business Link's Export Link at 1-888-811-1119 or visit

Around Alberta
National Award for Small Business Skills Development - Call for Nominations

Supported by RBC Financial Group, the National Award for Small Business Skills Development recognizes outstanding achievement in developing employees' skills in small business environments. The national award winner will be a small business that helps its employees develop the skills and competencies that will enable them to contribute to growing the small business in which they work. The winner will receive a $5,000 cash prize and will be honoured at a gala dinner at the Workplace Education and Learning Conference, December 5 and 6, 2006, in Toronto. Enter the 2006 National Award for Small Business Skills Development and be recognized as one of Canada's leading employers.

For more information, please contact Cindy MacBride at or call 1-888-801-8818 ext. 383. Please visit the website for additional information at:

Speed Dating for Business Event
Are you bored with the same old group of people standing around talking about the same old stuff and no business being done? Do you groan at the thought of working a room for contacts, cold drink in hand?

The Alberta Women Entrepreneurs and the Art Gallery of Alberta have partnered to bring you their FIRST Speed Dating for Business event in Edmonton.

Who: Women and men interested in growing their businesses
When: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 @ 6:30 pm
Where: Art Gallery of Alberta
2 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, Alberta
Cost: $20 (Complimentary nibbles, Cash bar)
To register:
Questions: Call (780) 422-7784 or 1 (800) 713-3558

Aboriginal Business Circle
Virtual Tour of Aboriginal Canada (VTAC)

Discover Canadian Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal tourism businesses through the Virtual Tour of Aboriginal Canada. This online tool permits you to search Aboriginal communities by province, and then by region. After selecting your specific region of interest, you can then choose a Métis, First Nations or Inuit community to learn more about. The site will then give you a page featuring either a community website page or a detailed community description page.

For more information on this online research tool, please visit the Virtual Tour of Aboriginal Canada document on the website of The Business Link's Alberta Aboriginal Business Service Network.

Business Feature
Succession Planning - It's All About YOU

The success of your business is important to you. Think of all the blood, sweat and tears you put into running the business to make a profit, to make a difference. One thing you may not be thinking about is preparing for the time you may no longer want to be involved in the business. That's what "succession planning" is all about.

In simplest terms, three key things need to be considered: You. Your Business. Your Successor.

You. You're currently working hard to ensure your business runs smoothly, and are enjoying its successes. Looking to the future is really looking at making more time for you. So, to secure your financial future - to allow you to retire comfortably, or pass on your wealth to your heirs - your needs and your goals have to be reflected in your succession plan. It really is all about you.

Your Business. Many business owners really want to see their business succeed into the future. But is your business healthy now? If it is, what will you do between now and the time you pass the torch to the next owner to ensure its viability? If it isn't, what measures can you take now to improve its health before you retire or try to sell the business? Positioning your business as a profit centre and a viable part of your community is an important component of your succession plan.

Your Successor. Do you have someone in mind or do you have to search for a successor? Perhaps one of your family members may be interested in taking over the business, or you might entrust a valued employee to assume your role when the time comes. Your succession plan needs to consider the person or persons best suited to lead your company in terms of know-how, personality, ability and financial support.

With these three basic concepts in mind, begin planning your exit strategy now. It's a strategy for your future success and the future success of your business…and it will ultimately affect your community's and Alberta's economy.

Next issue: Resources to help you prepare a succession plan.

Top 10 List

Top Ten Websites for Intellectual Property Information

  1. Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
  2. Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN)
  3. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  4. Innovation in Canada Portal website: intellectual property page
  5. Intellectual Property Australia
  6. Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
  7. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  8. Delphion
  9. European Patent Office
  10. Yahoo Asia Intellectual Property

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