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Welcome to E-News! from The Business Link. We hope you enjoy this quick monthly e-newsletter to keep you informed of upcoming events and services at The Business Link and other items of interest to Alberta's small business community.

Your feedback is welcome at any time to help us improve and enhance our services for Alberta entrepreneurs. Simply use the "Feedback" function located on the toolbar at the top of E-News! to send us your views.

The Business Link's Fall 2002
Seminars and Brown Bag Presentations

Our economically-priced Small Business Seminars and FREE Brown Bag Presentations feature the basics of business from start-up to marketing to e-business...and more! All sessions are held at The Business Link at 10237 - 104 Street in Edmonton. Pre-registration is required for the seminars; no registration required for the “brown baggers”, however there is limited seating on a first-come, first-served basis.

October Schedule
Date Time Topic Cost
1 12 noon - 1 p.m. Managing the Legal Risks Associated with Exporting Your Goods FREE
3 12 noon - 1 p.m. Importing Goods into Canada FREE
3 6 - 9 p.m. Marketing on a Shoestring Budget $32.10
8 12 noon - 1 p.m.

Managing and Understanding Your Cash Flow

10 12 noon - 1 p.m. Pricing Your Services: "How to Show the Customer What You're Worth" FREE
10 6 - 9 p.m. Designing an Effective Market Survey $32.10
15 12 noon - 1 p.m. What's Tax Deductible for Business Owners? FREE
17 12 noon - 1 p.m. Director's Liability FREE
17 6 - 9 p.m. Creating an Effective Business Web Site $32.10
22 12 noon - 1 p.m. Raising Capital for Your Business FREE
24 12 noon - 1 p.m. Buying a Franchise FREE
24 6 - 9 p.m. Tips on Saving Tax $32.10
29 12 noon - 1 p.m. Buying a Business FREE
31 12 noon - 1 p.m. Internet Security: Protecting Yourself from a Hack Attack FREE

For more information on our Small Business Seminars and to register on-line, visit our web site at:http://www.cbsc.org/alberta/seminars.cfm. Details on the "Brown Baggers" are available at: http://www.cbsc.org/alberta/brownbag.cfm.

Quality Council of Alberta Brown Bag Sessions

The Quality Council of Alberta (QCA) invites you to attend their FREE monthly Brown Bag Sessions, held every third Friday of the month at noon from September to June, 2003. Bring your lunch and take in this series on "Performance". Attendees will examine and learn what organizational performance is, approaches to improve it, and challenges to maintain it.

This month's session on "Using Economic Value Add to Measure Organizational Performance" will be held at The Business Link on Friday, October 18, 2002 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Seating is limited and allocated on a first come - first served basis.

To celebrate Small Business Week, the Quality Council of Alberta will be hosting a special Brown Bag Session at The Business Link on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Attend "Excerpts from the Excellence Files" to learn about the Excellence Framework - a powerful management system based on research with high performing organizations. Applicable to any size or type of business.

For more information and to register for these sessions, contact Ann Beaque at the Quality Council of Alberta at 780-423-6878 or by e-mail at: abeaque@telusplanet.net.

Grande Prairie Small Business Info-Fair

Join us at the Grande Prairie Small Business Info Fair, held on Friday, October 18 at the Grande Prairie Inn. The fair will showcase Government of Canada programs and services for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as other business service organizations who are part of a service network.

Throughout the day, business seminars will be offered on various topics, and you'll have the opportunity to hear success stories from area entrepreneurs. Jim Ewing, one of The Business Link's knowledgeable business officers, will present a seminar on "Getting Started and How The Business Link Can Help".

The Info-Fair and business seminars are open to the general public from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and are free-of-charge!

For more information or to register for a seminar, call SMEDA Business Development Corporation (780) 354-8747, or Western Economic Diversification 1-888-338-9378. You can also register on-line at www.wd.gc.ca/eng/events.

Small Business WeekSmall Business Week is an annual event held across Canada during the last week of October. It pays tribute to the significant contribution that small and medium-sized business owners make to our economy and gives them a forum to network with those interested in small business and dedicated to its development. This year, Small Business Week will be held from October 20-26.

The Business Link plays an active role in promoting Small Business Week in order to bring together entrepreneurs, provide learning opportunities and enable them to network and share ideas. This year, The Business Link is taking an innovative approach by launching a web page called "Small Business Week in Alberta", to increase awareness of events across the province and encourage participation by Alberta businesses.

If you want to attend one of the numerous events organized in celebration of Small Business Week, visit Small Business Week in Alberta at www.sbwalberta.ca. This unique feature is available on-line for the entire month of October and gives you a quick access to a calendar of events, links to the organizers, new statistics on Alberta's SMEs and a list of valuable resources on this year's national theme: "You Have Genius, Let's Bank On It Now!".

Sources of Financing is a section of Industry Canada's web site that can help you locate traditional or alternative sources of financing for your small business.

The site features an extensive directory of Canadian financial providers, a powerful search engine of private and government sources of financing, information on different types of financing and financial providers, a glossary containing over 250 financial terms with comprehensive definitions, and tips to help you secure financing. You will also find a Small Business Financial Service Charges Calculator to help you compare the monthly cost of most business accounts offered by the major financial institutions in Canada, and a Lease or Buy Calculator to compare both the cost of leasing and the cost of buying equipment.

The Business Link works in partnership with 34 Regional Access Sites located throughout the province, plus the Calgary Business Information Centre (CBIC), to provide information and resources to Alberta entrepreneurs. One of these Regional Access Sites is the Tawatinaw Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC).

The boundaries of the Tawatinaw CFDC include the following communities: County of Athabasca, County of Thorhild, County of Westlock, Sturgeon County and Lower portion MD of 124.

The organization offers services to potential and existing entrepreneurs, including: business counselling and financial assistance to individuals starting or expanding a small business, resources for assistance in researching business ideas, financing and assistance for entrepreneurs with disabilities through the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP), a Youth Entrepreneurship Camp, seminars and workshops, and Employment Insurance Itinerant Services.

For more information, contact the Tawatinaw Community Futures Development Corporation at:

#201, 10619 - 100 Avenue
Westlock, AB T7P 2J4
Phone: (780) 349-2903
Fax: (780) 349-6542
E-Mail: info@tcfdc.ab.ca
Web site: http://www.tcfdc.ab.ca

October 2002
Issue 5

In this Issue...
Upcoming Events
Business News Flash
Feature Web Site

Regional Access Site in the Spotlight

Ask the Expert

Monday to Friday from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m., you can discuss your business concerns in confidence, either in person or over the phone, with volunteer Guest Advisors:

management consultants
financial representatives

e-business experts

There is no cost or obligation, and no appointment is needed. Take advantage of this service by calling toll-free 1-800-272-9675. Enquiries can now be sent via e-mail as well. For more information, visit our Guest Advisor page on our web site.

Smart solutions for your business

The Internet offers unlimited possibilities for businesses, but many small companies do not have the time or resources to fully maximize its potential. If you are looking to expand into new markets, find new suppliers, develop more efficient ways of communication, or learn how to source out business opportunities, resources and contacts on the Web, the Student Connection Program (SCP) can show you how.

The Student Connection Program, an Industry Canada and Youth Employment Strategy initiative, hires and trains post secondary students to provide Canadian businesses with customized information technology assistance. Cost-effective services range from high-quality, computer and Internet training to actual web site development.

Since 1996, SCP's Student Business Advisors have provided IT services to more than 80,000 small and medium-sized enterprises across Canada.

For more information, contact Chris Foster, SCP Project Specialist at The Business Link: (780) 415-0360 or 1-800-272-9675, and by e-mail, or visit the Student Connection Program Web site.

2003 Alberta Business Awards of Distinction

Nominations for the 12th Annual Alberta Business Awards of Distinction are now being accepted until Monday, November 18, 2002.

The Awards, hosted by the Alberta Chambers of Commerce (ACC) in association with numerous corporate sponsors, recognize savvy in areas from youth employment to exporting and small business to environmental excellence.

If your business excels and contributes to the prosperity of Alberta, you are encouraged to enter in any or all of the categories. The Awards include 14 individual categories and the prestigious Premier's Award of Distinction.

For more information visit the Alberta Business Awards of Distinction's web site. Tickets may be purchased by contacting the Alberta Chambers of Commerce at (780) 425-4180, ext. 2.

Talk to Us!

Need assistance in finding information on our web site? Check out our web/voice support service, "Talk to Us".

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The Business Link Business Service Centre
100-10237 104 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1B1
Business Info Line: 780-422-7722 or 1-800-272-9675
Fax: 780-422-0055