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Photos SculptureElections Canada

Photo Credits

Nine mini journeys:

1848 - Responsible Government :

Photo 1: Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1965–82 (Samuel McLaughlin Collection), negative no. C–10671

Photo 2: Robert Baldwin
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1933–261 (Nedo Paveskovic Collection), negative no. C–36094

Campaign literature:
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library, Baldwin Room, Broadside Collection

1858 – Only the Affluent Need Apply

Campaign literature:
National Archives, Record Group 4, B72 (Clerk of the Crown in Chancery Records), volume 40, p. 8131, horizontal cabinet drawer 64, file 5,
negative no. C–135534

Photo 1: Alexandre-Édouard Kierzkowski
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1970–62 (Roch Rolland Collection), item 16, negative no. PA–165451

Photo 2: A group of merchants in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1973–72 George A. MacInnis Collection), negative no. C–18,097

Broadcasting the News

Photo 1: "Broadcasting the News, 1911"
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1971–120 (John Boyd Collection), item 2862, negative no. PA–60819

(2) Confirmation of Registration Card
Elections Canada

Illustration :
National Archives, Library, Canadian Illustrated News, vol. XVIII,
28 September, 1878, p. 193, negative no. C–68,249

Making the Vote Accessible

Photos 1 and 2: Making the Vote Accessible, 1916–17
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1964–114 (Department of National Defence, World War I Collection), negative nos. PA–2318 and PA–554

1917 – Bluebirds at the Ballot Box

Photo 1: Bluebirds at the Ballot Box, 1917
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1964–114 (Department of National Defence, World War I Collection), negative no. PA–2279

Photo 2: Votes for Women
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1971-271 (National Film Board Collection), item 87,384, negative no. PA–143958

1920 – Introducing Modern Principles of Electoral Administration

Photo 1: Oliver Mowat Biggar
Elections Canada

Caricature (no. 2): "Macdonald’s Admission, 1873"
National Archives, Library, negative no. C–78604

Photo 2 (no. 3): "The Man in Charge", Édouard J. Langevin
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1952–43
(Adèle de Guerry Languedoc Collection), negative no. C–51,818

1960 – Reaching Out to Native People

Photo 1: "The Beaver Family, 1907"
Mary Schaffer, photographer V527
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies

Photo 2: "Elections in the North"
Elections Canada

1963 – The Universal Right to Vote

Photo 1: Young Japanese girl praying, 1963
T. Grant, 63–8584, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Photo 2: Chinese Man in Toronto at the 1963 Federal Elections
J. Marshall, 63–331, April 1963, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Photo 3: Chinese couple voting at the 1963 Federal Elections
Pierre Gaudard, N.F.B. Collection, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Toward the 21st Century

Photo 1: Electoral cartography, Elections Canada

Photo 2: Canada Day at Parliament Hill (July 1st), Corel Corporation,
image no. 24006

Photo 3: CD–ROM disks, Corel Corporation, image no. 0215_001


Found on all pages of this section: Detail of a sculpture entitled The Vote, carved in Indiana limestone on the east wall of the House of Commons chamber. Eleanor Milne, Chris Fairbrother and Marcel Joanisse.

Past – A History of the Vote in Canada

Voting in Canada Was Not Always Free and Democratic
Illustration: "First Elected Council Meets, 1658"
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, negative no. C–13951

British North America (1758–1866)
Only Affluent Men May Vote
Illustration: "Rival Candidates, 1828"
Queen’s University Archives, Collection 2139 (Morris Papers), box 3

Responsible Government
Governing on Behalf of the British Crown, or on Behalf of the People
Illustrations: "Allies in Reform"
Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1965–82
(Samuel McLaughlin Collection), negative no. C–10671
Robert Baldwin
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1965–82
(Nedo Paveskovic Collection), negative no. C–36094

The Right to Vote is Jeopardized
Making Sure the Right Candidates Win
Illustration: Election Security, 1860
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1988–93 (Lane of Books Collection), negative no. PA–165422

Voters and Confederation
Realizing the People’s Opinion May Matter After All
Illustration: After the Elections
National Archives, Library, CIN, volume XVIII, 28 September, 1878, p. 193, negative no. C–68,249

From a Privilege to a Right (1867–1919)
Extending the Right to Vote
Photo: Soldiers voting, September 1916
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1964–114 (Department of National Defence, World War I Collection), negative nos. PA–2318 and PA–554

Federal or Provincial?
Different Rights in Different Provinces
Illustration: "Nominations, 1874-Style"
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, Canadian Illustrated News, volume IV, July 1, 1871, p. 4, negative no. C–56,351

Fraudulent Practices
Firing MPs
Caricature: "Macdonald’s Admission, 1873
National Archives, Library, negative no. C–78604

Women and the Vote
Women Gain the Vote
Photo: "Sisters in the Struggle"
Provincial Archives of British Columbia, negative no. HP–39849

The Modern Franchise (1920-1997)
Making the Vote Universal and Accessible
Photo: "Advanced Practices"
Elections Canada

Electoral Legislation
Building Legal Foundations
Photo: "A Democratic Right"
Elections Canada

Racial and Religious Exclusions
Legal Discrimination
Photo: Chinese Immigrants, Mother and Child
Ted Grant, March 1966, 66–6116
Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Improving Accessibility
Making It Easier to Vote
Photo: "From Far and Wide..."
Elections Canada

Present – Federal Elections Today

Why We Vote
Photo: House of Commons
House of Commons

Everyone Must Have Access
Elections Canada

Standing of Elections
You Can Run If You Can Vote
Top Photography

Future – The Future Is in Your Hands

Seizing the Opportunity
Photo: Parliament Buildings
Elections Canada

Shaping the Future
Committed to Evolution
Illustration: "A Work in Progress"
Elections Canada


Photo: Mr. King’s vote
National Archives, negative no. C-22001

The modern franchise, 1920-1997

Photo: Women and the vote
Canadian Press, Manitoba Archives (CPT11-8-2)jwp

Modernizing the electoral machinery
Photo: Election preparations (circa 1957)
Elections Canada

Progress in fits and starts
Photo: Sir Wilfrid Laurier
National Archives, negative no. C-135522

Judicious recommendations
Photo: A large-scale operation
National Archives, Documentary and Art Photography, 1971-271, NFB collection, item 66020, negative no. PA-169812

Canada’s five Chief Electoral Officers
Photos: Five Chief Electoral Officers
Elections Canada

The Dominion Elections Act

Photo: Sir Robert Borden
National Archives, William James Topley collection, series C, item 141159, negative no. PA-027012

Preparing voters lists
Illustration: Enumerators
Len Norris, Vancouver Sun, used by permission

Publication of voters lists
Photo: Informing the public
Pierre Gaudard, NFB collection, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, no. 63-3289

The Second World War and its aftermath

Photo: The promotion of "yes"
National Archives, C-29452, copyright, Milne Studios Ltd., Toronto

Racial exclusions
Photo: A citizen of Japanese origin
National Archives, George Sutekichi Miyagawa collection, item 1, negative no. PA-103542

Discrimination ends
Photo: Changing attitudes
Pierre Gaudard, NFB collection, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Aboriginal people and the franchise

Photo: Inhabitants of isolated regions
Elections Canada

A lengthy debate
Photo on left: Thomas Reid
Photo on right: Clarence Gillis
National Archives, Arthur Roy collection, negative nos. PA-047609 (left) and PA-047135

The right to vote for all Aboriginal peoples
Photo: John Diefenbaker
National Archives, negative no. PA-190699

Accessibility and the electoral process
Photo: Access to polling stations
J. Marshall, NFB collection, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Consolidation and review, 1961-1982
Photo: The system in operation
Pierre Gaudard, NFB collection, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Voter notification
Illustration: Notice to electors
Elections Canada

Opening up the process
Photo: Postal voting
Elections Canada

The Charter: A watershed

Illustration: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Elections Canada

The legislative record
Photo: Voting by special ballot
Elections Canada

Bill C-78
Photo: Accessible polling stations
Elections Canada


Photo: Advance polling
Elections Canada

The Charter and electoral rights
Photo: A fairer process
Elections Canada

Constant evolution
Photo: Improving electoral administration
Elections Canada

Summary: The vote through the decades

Photo: Citizens
Montreal Daily News, 1988

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Created: October 23, 1999. Last update: July 4, 2002
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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Government of Canada