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Articles and Other Publications

ALSFORD, S. "The Canadian Museum of Civilization stakes out a site in cyberspace" in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 13(4).
AMYOT, C. "Les achats par catalogue" in Cap-aux-diamants, no. 40.
------- "La poste populaire" in Philatélie Québec.
BLAIS, J.-M. "L'exposition interactive comme élément d'apprentissage" in L'éducation et les musées.
BROUSSEAU, F. "Within the Context of Economic Difficulties, Partnership is a Solution of Maximizing Resources" in Yearbook of the International Association of Transport Museum, Vol. 20.
CHRESTIEN, J.-P. "Une première : une exposition sur les baleiniers basques du Labrador." in L'aventure maritime du golfe de Gascogne...
CLARK, D.W. "Archaeology on Kodiak: The quest for Prehistory and its Implications for North Pacific Prehistory" in Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska.
------- "Still a Big Story: The Prehistory of Kodiak Island" in Reckoning With the Dead: the Larsen Bay Repariation and the Smithsonian Institution.
CLÉMENT, D. "Le Poisson-avaleur" in Antropologica, XXXVI (2).
DYCK, I. "Them Days: Memories of A Prairie Valley" in Saskatchewan Archaeology.
------- "The Never Ending Story" in Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 18.
------- "Three Hundred Prairie Years: Henry Kelsey..." in Prairie Forum, Vol. 19.
GORDON, B.C. "Archaeological Seasonality Using Incremental Structures in Teeth: An Annotated Bibliography" in Zooarchaeological Research News special publication.
HOE, Ban Seng. "Vietnamese Boat People in Canada" in Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Journal, Vol. XXV, no. 3.
------- "Expanding the Frontier of Asian-Canadian Research: A Comparative Review of Three Studies" in Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 28, no. 4.
KEENLYSIDE, D. "Paleoindian Patterns in Maine and the Maritimes" in Prehistoric Archaeology in the Maritimes: Past and Present Research, Reports in Archaeology, no. 8.
------- "An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Reaches of the Tracadie Estuary, New Brunswick" in New Brunswick Archaeology, no. 26.
KLYMASZ, R. "Tracking the 'Living Book': Doukhobor song in Canada Since 1899" in Canadian Folk Music Journal, Vol. 21.
------- "From Immigrant to Ethnic Folklore: A Canadian View of Process and Transition" in Canadian Music Issues of Hegemony and Identity.
------- "Echoes from Ukrainian Canada, Prairie Fire: A Canadian Magazine of New Writing, 13(3), Winnipeg: Prairie Fire Press Inc., 1992" in Canadian Ethnic Studies, Vol. 26, no. 1.
------- "Beginnings, Edmonton: trubka Ukrainian Musical Ensemble, 1991" in Canadian Folk Music Bulletin, Vol. 28, no. 2.
MACDONALD, G.F. "Dynamics of Culture and Identity and the Potential of Interactive Technologies to Engage Users of Cultural Institutions" in Spectra, Vol. 22(1).
MACDONALD, G.F. and S. ALSFORD. "Towards the Virtual Museum" in History News, Vol. 49(5).
------- "Canadian museums and the representation of culture in a multicultural nation" in Cultural Dynamics, Vol. 7(1).
------- "Museums 2000: the new milennialism" in Museums Review, Vol. 21.
MASSÉ, A. "L'interaction au Musée" in Musées, Vol. 6, no. 2.
McGHEE, R. "Life at High Latitudes" in Polar Regions.
------- "On the Trail of St. Brendan" in Polar Regions.
------- "Disease and the Development of Inuit Culture" in Current Anthropology.
MORLAN, R.E. "Rodent Bones in Archaeological Sites" in Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 18.
------- "Some Bones that Often Get Away but May Come Back to Haunt Us" in Canadian Zooarchaeology, Vol. 6.
------- "Oxbow Bison Procurement as seen from the Harder Site, Saskatchewan" in Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 21.
------- "Bison Bone Fragmentation and Survivorship: a Comparative Method" in Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 21.
MORRISON, D. "The Crane Site and the Palaeoeskimo Period in the Western Canadian Arctic" in Canadian Journal of Archaeology.
PARRY, D. "Museum theatre in the 1990s: trail-blazer or camp-follower?" in New Research in Museum Studies.
PERESSINI, M. "Individu anonyme et individu communautaire : les avantages et les désavantages de deux formes de travail selon les récits de vie d'immigrants italiens à Montréal" in Culture.
------- "Attachement utilitaire et refus du jeu ethnique. Le rapport au pays d'accueil dans les récits de vie d'un groupe d'immigrants italo-montréalais" in Revue internationale d'action communautaire, 31/71.
------- "Un anthropologue au musée ou le difficile passage de l'analyse à la production des identités" in Entre traditions et universalisme, Institut québécois de la recherche sur la culture.
PILON, J.-L., C. STIMMELL and R.G.V. HANCOCK. "Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis as an Archaeological Tool" in Tools for Tomorrow: Archaeological Methods in the 21st Century
TAYLOR, G. "Northern Algonquians on the Frontiers of New Ontario" in Aboriginal Ontario, Ontario Historical Studies Series.
WILLIS, J. "La poste et la géographie villageoise" in Cap-aux-diamants, no. 37.
------- "l'impératif postal d'hier à aujourd'hui" in Cap-aux-diamants, no. 39.
------- "On and off the Island of Montreal, 1815-1867: The transport background of town-country relations in the plat pays of Montreal" in Actes du colloque : Espace Culture - Québec.

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Last update: July 17, 2001
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