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Portraying Military History

The Canadian War Museum pulled out all the stops to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy (D-Day). Highlights of the four-day ceremonies in Ottawa included a parade of veterans in vintage military vehicles; an outdoor re-creation of a soldiers' camp (using original tents); a dance featuring music and decor from the 1940s; and a flypast of aircraft used during D- Day.
Photo: W. Kent

The Canadian War Museum (CWM), an affiliate of the CMC, has a mandate to make Canadians aware of their military history, from earliest times to the present day. A major focus this year was the fiftieth anniversary of D-Day (June 6, 1944), marked by a host of activities which the CWM organized, hosted and helped fund. The successful weekend events drew crowds of about 100,000 people. Another highlight of the year was the opening of newly- renovated Second World War permanent galleries, which coincided with D-Day celebrations. The refurbished galleries now include a focus on hitherto-neglected topics such as the role of women and various cultural groups in the war effort. Staff continued their work on other galleries, to be completed in 1995-96.

In April, after many months of preparation, the Korean War Gallery opened. Opening ceremonies included a military parade and the participation of Korean War veterans and staff from the Embassy of South Korea.

During the summer, the CWM courtyard housed an outdoor exhibition by the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. On display were armoured vehicles, dating from the Second World War to the present day, and a live radio- link with Canadian peacekeepers abroad.

Work continued on the new permanent Peacekeeping Exhibition, scheduled for completion in 1996. When this is done, the CWM will have a complete storyline of Canada's military heritage to modern times.

Accent on Programmes

The CWM concentrated more on public programming this year, responding to a Price Waterhouse report, commissioned in 1993-94, which advised a greater emphasis on outreach. The busy schedule of programmes launched during the year boosted attendance numbers at CWM events by 60 per cent over the year previous. This includes the large crowds that turned out for D-Day celebrations. The total attendance figure for the year was 211,607.

In addition to D-Day commemorations, major programmes during the year included:

Articles and Other Publications for the Canadian War Museum

BRANDON, L. "Normandy Summer: D-Day and After in Canadian Art" in The Journal of Canadian Military History.
------- "Naming Names: The War Art of Atlantic Canada (Parts One and Two)" in Arts Atlantic.
------- "Francis Hayman's The Charity of General Amherst: A new Acquisition for the Canadian War Museum" in The Journal of Canadian Military History.
------- "In Memoriam: Charles Comfort, War Artist, 1900- 1994" in The Journal of Canadian Military History.
HOLT, H. "Dust Covers" in Textile Conservation Newsletter, fall 1994.
HALIDAY, H. "The Poster Collection at the Canadian War Museum" in The Journal of Canadian Military History.
------- "The Concept, Development and Planning of a Hall of Honour Exhibit at the Canadian War Museum" in The Journal of Canadian Military History.
------- "On the Front Line" in The 50th Anniversary of D-Day Commemoration Booklet.
POTHIER, B. "Un duel de Philippe Hébert et ses variantes" in Annales d'histoire de l'art canadien, Vol. 15, no. 2.

New Publications

GAFFEN, Fred. The Road to Victory: A History of Canada in the Second World War. (Also available in French)
GRAVES, Don. Battle for the Chignecto Forts, 1755.

Highlights -- CWM

2,887 artifacs acquired
1,392 artifacts catalogued
928 artifacts photographed
114 incoming loans (1,327 artifacts)
16 outgoing loans (141 artifacts)
10 exhibition loans (176 artifacts)

Major Acquisitions

Art Exhibitions

Table of Contents

Last update: July 17, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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Government of Canada