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Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation

The Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation's Board of Trustees

Chairman: Peter A. Herrndorf, Toronto, Ontario

Vice-Chairman: Jacques Lacoursière, Québec, Quebec

Trustees: Judith Baxter, Kings County, New Brunswick; Andrée Beaudin-Richard, Québec, Quebec; Anne-Marie Dufresne, Montreal, Quebec; Karen Ellerbeck, White Rock, British Columbia; D.G.L. Fraser, Grand Pré, Nova Scotia; Garry C. Johnson, Calgary, Alberta; Anne MacLaren, Westmount, Quebec; Pierre Moreault, Hull, Quebec; Priscilla Renouf, St. John's, Newfoundland; Blair Stonechild, Regina, Saskatchewan; Mary Alice Stuart, Toronto, Ontario; Ramsey Withers, Ottawa, Ontario

The Board of Trustees sets broad strategic direction, long- term objectives and priorities for the organization. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that CMCC management fulfils its responsibilities with respect to the effective and efficient operation of the organization.

During 1994-95, the Board met five times. One of these meetings was via conference call; another was held in St. John's, Newfoundland. As for the various Board committees, seventeen meetings were held, including seven through conference calls.

The Board took advantage of its meeting in St. John's on June 13 and 14, 1994 to re-affirm its association with Newfoundland and Labrador. This association has translated into numerous projects involving the Canadian Museum of Civilization and public institutions such as the Newfoundland Museum and Memorial University. An agreement has also been set up between the Canadian War Museum and the Newfoundland Museum for exchanges of information, travelling exhibitions and curatorial knowledge, to help in the preservation and restoration of the province's military history. In addition to its regular meeting, the Board paid a special visit to historic Cupids, Newfoundland and met with the Local Heritage Society.

The Executive Committee of the Corporation

Chairman: George F. MacDonald, Executive Director

Members: Paul Carpentier, Director, Collections and Information Access Branch; Louise Dubois, Corporate Secretary; Joe Geurts, Managing Director; Stephen Inglis, Director, Research; Sylvie Morel, Director, Exhibitions and Programmes; Linda Morris, Director, Public Affairs; Victor Suthren, Director, Canadian War Museum

Committees of the Board: Executive Committee; Acquisitions Committee; Audit Committee; Finance Committee; Human Resources and Compensation Committee; Strategic Planning Committee; Canadian War Museum Committee

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Last update: July 17, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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