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Guthrie Collection of military vehicles

Diamond T; photo: Guthrie Collection

Diamond "T" 968; 1945.

The Guthrie Collection of military vehicles consists of Canadian-, American- and British-made vehicles, the large majority of which are in mint condition. Most are of Second World War vintage and range in type from a field artillery tractor to a flame-throwing universal carrier.

Ford GP; photo: Gord Carter, CWM

Ford GP; 1941.

The 39 vehicles received by the Canadian War Museum come from the estate of Mr. John Jarvie Guthrie, an avid military vehicle collector and restorer, who bequeathed the vehicles to the Museum in his will.

CMP; photo: Gord Carter, CWM

CMP C8A 1C11 HUP; 1945.

Alberta native John Jarvie (Jack) Guthrie (1930-1998) was a businessman and well-known collector of military vehicles. His hobby of restoring and preserving military vehicles spanned several decades, and his collection featured vehicles from many different parts of the world.


Created: September 3, 2003
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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