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Press Releases

For immediate release
09 November 2005

Under Cover at Last!

Ottawa—On November 8, 2005, the Canada Aviation Museum marked an important milestone in the national aeronautical collection's history. For the first time in thirty-nine years, all of the aircraft in the collection are protected from the elements. The last aircraft to have been parked outdoors and two of the largest aircraft in the collection - the Canadair Argus and The Canadair Northstar were finally placed in the Storage Wing. The Museum staff first pushed the Canadair Argus to the back of the building, and then the Canadair Northstar, handed over to the Museum in 1966, was the last to be gently maneuvered through the hangar door.

Inaugurated in April 2005, the new Wing provides shelter not only for the aircraft that are too large for the Museum's main building but also accommodates many aircraft and artifacts that have been stored in the main Museum building thereby creating new spaces and opportunities for public displays, exhibitions and programs. This major re-configuration of the public displays offered in the Museum are schedule for completion later this year. Plans are also underway to provide the public limited access to the Storage Wing with a program of guided tours to be offered in the Spring of 2006.

The next phases in the Museum's overall development plan now focus on the funding for and construction of a large conservation and restoration facility adjacent to the Storage Wing that will accommodate some of the Museum world's largest artifacts.

The Canada Aviation Museum is Canada's best aviation museum with an internationally renowned aeronautical collection. The Museum is located at the intersection of the Aviation and Rockcliffe Parkways in Ottawa.


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613 993-2010 or 1 800 463-2038

Media Contact:
Christina Lucas
Communications & Marketing: 613 993-4243 or