Public Office Holders
Policy - Interpretation Bulletins

Thank you letters for political contributions

Some Ministers have inquired as to whether it would be acceptable under the Prime Minister's Conflict of Interest Code to issue "thank you" letters to individuals or organizations that have made political contributions.

After conducting a review of our current policy and examining the Canada Elections Act it was noted that all political contributions must now be reported and those over $200.00 are published on Canada Election's web site.

The reporting and subsequent public disclosure required under the above Act has led us to modify our previous policy. Accordingly, it is now the view of this Office that it would be acceptable for you to send "thank you letters" to supporters who have made a political contribution.

Such letters should be sent under MP letterhead.

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Parliamentary Press Gallery dinner

It has been brought to my attention that several Ministers and Ministers of State have received invitations from Parliament Hill journalists to attend the annual Parliamentary Press Gallery dinner, to be held this month, where each ticket is valued at $75.00 per person.

I also understand that several Ministers are enquiring as to whether such an invitation is permissible under the Prime Minister's Code.

It is the view of this Office that this event cannot be considered as being such that it would influence a Minister in their judgment and performance of official duties and responsibilities, nor would it bring suspicion on the Minister's objectivity and impartiality or bring into question the integrity of the Government. Accordingly, it is permissible to attend this function.

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