Preparing a Submission to a

House of Commons Committee

Who can make a submission?
· Any organization or individual may submit a brief to a committee of the House of Commons.
Format and content of a brief
Although a committee may develop its own criteria, the primary guidelines for the submission of briefs is as follows:
· views expressed and claims made in the briefs must be relevant and based on factual information;
· recommendations to the Committee should be as specific as possible;
· if a brief is to be submitted in one official language only, it should be sent to the Clerk as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made to have it translated;
· the name, address and phone number of the association, organization or individual making the submission must be listed clearly on the title page;
· briefs exceeding 10 pages in length must be prefaced by a one-page summary;
· recommendations should be summarized at the end of the brief;
· for editing and revision purposes, endnotes are preferred to footnotes;
· logos, line drawings, graphs, tables and charts should be done in such a manner as to allow for copying/printing in black and white;
· all accompanying photographs must be in black and white with a glossy finish;
· films and videos will be accepted however all videos should be in VHS format and be accompanied by a written script for translation purposes.
How to file a submission?
· Written submission should be sent by mail or facsimile to the Clerk of the Committee.
· The author should sign a submission either on his or her own behalf or on behalf of the organization making the submission.

· Those signing on behalf of an organization should indicate the level at which the submission has been authorized (i.e. President, Chief Executive).
· Briefs should be filed by the advertised closing date. If an extension of time is required, this can be requested from the committee clerk.
· A return address for correspondence and a contact telephone number should be provided with the brief.
· It is helpful if written briefs can be provided electronically as well as in hard copy form.
Distribution of briefs
· Public distribution of all submissions remains within the discretion of the Committee, unless the author specifically requests that the brief be classified as confidential.
Inquiry process at a glance
Committee receives/adopts terms of reference.
Committee advertises inquiry.
Committee receives briefs.
Committee conducts public hearings.
Committee conducts public hearings outside the parliamentary precinct (where appropriate).
Committee considers evidence and prepares report.
Committee tables report in the House of Commons.
Government considers report.
Government responds to report.

Committees Directorate
May 2002