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PolyphemusRODIN, Auguste (1840-1917) French
Polyphème, conceived 1888, probably cast 1920s, multiple casts in an unknown number of copies.
Bronze, 24 cm high
Stamped inside the base: A. Rodin Stamped on base at rear, beneath left foot: Alexis RUDIER. / Fondeur. PARIS.
Gift of R.W. Finlayson, Toronto, 1972
No. 17018
Exotic FlowersREDON, Odilon (1840-1916) French
Exotic Flowers 1908-1916
Pastel on paper, 62.6 x 49.2 cm
Signed at lower right: Odilon Redon
Purchased, 1951
No. 5772
Garden of an Italian VillaROBERT, Hubert (1733-1808) French
Garden of an Italian Villa, 1764
oil on canvas, 93.7 x 133 cm
Purchased in 1998
No. 39760
Venus Presenting Arms to AeneasRESTOUT, Jean (1692-1768) French
Venus Presenting Arms to Aeneas 1717
Oil on canvas, 137 x 105 cm
Inscribed on back of original canvas: J Rêtout / 29 may 1717
Purchased in 1982
No. 28101
The Cathedral at LouviersROBERTS, David (1796-1864) British
The Cathedral at Louviers 1847
Oil on canvas, 61 x 46 cm
Signed and dated at lower left: David Roberts 1847
Gift of George J. Rosengarten, Montreal, 1994.
No. 37799
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National Gallery of CanadaCanadian Museum of Contemporary PhotographyCanada