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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Life and Society > Close Encounters of the Canadian Kind

Close Encounters of the Canadian Kind

It can border on the outrageous, the credible and even the entrepreneurial. For centuries people claimed to have boarded UFOs, encountered aliens and even sipped on Crop Circle Beer. Skeptics may dismiss believers as nerds and nutters but there's no doubting the increasing popularity of the paranormal in the mainstream. Canada has one of the highest rates of UFO sightings per capita, and for many Canadians, life beyond earth is a definite reality.

One of Canada's earliest paranormal sightings

An invitation that's out of this world

Canada's most famous UFO encounter

 One of Canada's earliest paranormal sightings

Strange activities on an Ontario farm flummox town folks. (Radio; runs 7:10)

 An invitation that's out of this world

St. Paul, Alberta, marks Canada's centennial with the world's first UFO landing pad. (TV; runs 1:42)

 Canada's most famous UFO encounter

Recalling Stephen Michalak's amazing 1967 sighting in Falcon Lake, Manitoba. (TV; runs 3:20)

CBC game show with a paranormal twist

The scientific truth behind UFOs

Alien abductions in Canada

 CBC game show with a paranormal twist

Foremost ufologist Dr. J. Allen Hynek illuminates Beyond Reason's psychic panel. (TV; runs 10:24)

 The scientific truth behind UFOs

A Laurentian University professor offers a logical explanation for supernatural occurrences. (Radio; runs 7:38)

 Alien abductions in Canada

Charlotte Brown recalls her extraterrestrial encounter to CBC's Peter Gzowski. (Radio; runs 24:14)

Crop circles: Leaving a mark in Canada

Two earthlings claim responsibility for crop circles

A Vulcan enterprise

 Crop circles: Leaving a mark in Canada

A Manitoba farmer stumbles up on a mysterious marking. (TV; runs 4:48)

 Two earthlings claim responsibility for crop circles

Two British artists fess up to the alleged hoax. (Radio; runs 12:37)

 A Vulcan enterprise

Vulcan, Alberta, goes after tourist bucks by going where no town has gone before. (TV; runs 2:02)

An aerial phenomenon over Montreal

Alien believers: Not just for kooks and quacks anymore

 An aerial phenomenon over Montreal

A group sighting of a UFO sparks a major investigation. (TV; runs 9:53)

 Alien believers: Not just for kooks and quacks anymore

The growing acceptance of the paranormal in the mainstream media. (TV; runs 5:13)


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