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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Disasters and Tragedies > Extreme Weather

Devastating Dry Spells: Drought on the Prairies
Topic timespan: 1936-2003

Deadly Skies: Canada's Most Destructive Tornadoes
Topic timespan: 1946-2000

Topic: Devastating Dry Spells: Drought on the Prairies

Blowing dust, swarms of grasshoppers, and not enough hay to feed the starving livestock. For Prairie farmers, drought can...
(8 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Deadly Skies: Canada's Most Destructive Tornadoes

A tornado is the stuff of nightmares. Amid heavy rain and hail, huge thunderclouds roll in and the skies...
(5 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Red River Rising: Manitoba Floods
Topic timespan: 1950-2003

The Wrath of Hurricane Hazel
Topic timespan: 1954

Topic: Red River Rising: Manitoba Floods

The Cree called it Miscousipi, Red Water River, and warned early settlers of its hidden capacity for destruction. The...
(12 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Wrath of Hurricane Hazel

On Oct. 15, 1954, the most famous hurricane in Canadian history struck Southern Ontario. Hurricane Hazel pounded the city...
(4 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Ocean Ranger Disaster
Topic timespan: 1982-1984

The Saguenay Flood
Topic timespan: 1996

Topic: The Ocean Ranger Disaster

Valentine's Day, 1982: a terrible storm rages off the coast of Newfoundland. On the Grand Banks, the Ocean Ranger,...
(11 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Saguenay Flood

For two days in July 1996, torrential rains pounded the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec and caused the worst flood...
(6 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Ice Storm of 1998
Topic timespan: 1998

Topic: The Ice Storm of 1998

Canadians had never before endured a natural disaster like the ice storm of 1998. A difficult morning of car...
(11 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

"On This Day"