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Home > Disasters and Tragedies

Topics: Disasters and Tragedies

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The Halifax Explosion
Topic timespan: 1917-1998

A Lost Heritage: Canada's Residential Schools
Topic timespan: 1955-2002

Topic: The Halifax Explosion

On Dec. 6, 1917, a collision in Halifax Harbour led to the biggest man-made explosion in the world before...
(12 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: A Lost Heritage: Canada's Residential Schools

In 1928, a government official predicted Canada would end its "Indian problem" within two generations. Church-run, government-funded residential schools...
(13 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Springhill Mining Disasters
Topic timespan: 1956-1992

The 'Great Northeastern Blackout' of 1965
Topic timespan: 1965

Topic: Springhill Mining Disasters

In the 1950s, the town of Springhill, N.S., was devastated by two of the worst mining disasters in Canadian...
(6 TV Clips, 3 Radio Clips)

Topic: The 'Great Northeastern Blackout' of 1965

Nov. 9, 1965 at rush hour: Toronto and New York are plunged into darkness as a blackout strikes Ontario...
(3 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

The Wrongful Conviction of David Milgaard
Topic timespan: 1969-1999

The Sinking and Raising of the Irving Whale
Topic timespan: 1970-1996

Topic: The Wrongful Conviction of David Milgaard

He was a carefree teenaged hippie just passing through Saskatoon on Jan. 31, 1969 — the same day nursing...
(16 TV Clips, 2 Radio Clips)

Topic: The Sinking and Raising of the Irving Whale

Environmentalists dubbed it a ticking time bomb, and nobody knew when — or if — the Irving Whale oil...
(6 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Mercury Rising: The Poisoning of Grassy Narrows
Topic timespan: 1970-2002

The Early Years of the AIDS Crisis
Topic timespan: 1981-1987

Topic: Mercury Rising: The Poisoning of Grassy Narrows

Between 1962 and 1970, natives in two northwest Ontario communities sat down to daily meals of poison. Their staple...
(10 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Early Years of the AIDS Crisis

In the early 1980s doctors began noticing rare cancers and infections striking otherwise healthy young gay men. Something was...
(14 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Krever Report: Canada's Tainted Blood Disaster
Topic timespan: 1984-2002

The Air India Investigation
Topic timespan: 1985-2003

Topic: The Krever Report: Canada's Tainted Blood Disaster

A new disease was threatening the Canadian blood supply in the early 1980s: AIDS. But the Canadian Red Cross...
(17 TV Clips, 3 Radio Clips)

Topic: The Air India Investigation

It was deemed the worst act of terrorism in Canadian history: 331 people were killed in two decisive...
(9 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

The Montreal Massacre
Topic timespan: 1989-1999

Davis Inlet: Innu community in crisis
Topic timespan: 1992-2005

Topic: The Montreal Massacre

For 45 minutes on Dec. 6, 1989 an enraged gunman roamed the corridors of Montreal's École Polytechnique and killed...
(10 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Davis Inlet: Innu community in crisis

"We are a lost people." That description by an Innu chief seemed fitting when a shocking video of six...
(6 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

The Duplessis Orphans
Topic timespan: 1992-2004

Solar Temple: A cult gone wrong
Topic timespan: 1993-1999

Topic: The Duplessis Orphans

During the reign of Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis in the 1940s and 1950s, an alarming number of healthy children...
(8 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Topic: Solar Temple: A cult gone wrong

Murder. Suicide. Assassination. Sex. Money laundering. International investigations. These elements comprise the perfect...
(12 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Death on tap: The poisoning of Walkerton
Topic timespan: 2000-2004

Topic: Death on tap: The poisoning of Walkerton

In May 2000, bacteria seeped into Walkerton's town well. The deadly E. coli then slipped quietly through a...
(13 TV Clips, 10 Radio Clips)

"On This Day"