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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology

Topics: Science and Technology

Influenza: Battling The Last Great Virus
Topic timespan: 1918-2005

Banting, Best, Macleod, Collip: Chasing a Cure for Diabetes
Topic timespan: 1921-2002

Topic: Influenza: Battling The Last Great Virus

For centuries it has silently stalked us, killing tens of millions of people and evading all the best efforts...
(8 TV Clips, 15 Radio Clips)

Topic: Banting, Best, Macleod, Collip: Chasing a Cure for Diabetes

It's been the elusive cure, one that scientists have felt they've been on the brink of breaking for the...
(17 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Canada Tunes In: Radio and TV's Early Years
Topic timespan: 1927-1991

Polio: Combating the Crippler
Topic timespan: 1938-1995

Topic: Canada Tunes In: Radio and TV's Early Years

On a summer's day in 1927, Canadians coast to coast sat enthralled before their radio sets as Prime Minister...
(7 TV Clips, 10 Radio Clips)

Topic: Polio: Combating the Crippler

Polio quietly preyed on thousands of young Canadians. The disease caused paralysis, deformed limbs and in the most severe...
(6 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

The Fluoride Debate
Topic timespan: 1941-1999

Asbestos: Magic mineral or deadly dust?
Topic timespan: 1942-2002

Topic: The Fluoride Debate

To fluoridate or not to fluoridate? That's the question at the centre of one of the longest debates in...
(3 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Topic: Asbestos: Magic mineral or deadly dust?

The needle-like fibres seemed like nature's perfect gift. Fireproof, indestructible and cheap, from the 1940s to the 1970s, asbestos...
(8 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Tuberculosis: Old Disease, Continuing Threat
Topic timespan: 1943-2001

Computer Invasion: A History of Automation in Canada
Topic timespan: 1945-1993

Topic: Tuberculosis: Old Disease, Continuing Threat

The "rest cure" – an extended stay in a sanatorium, or TB hospital, away from home and family –...
(10 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Computer Invasion: A History of Automation in Canada

Described as "gigantic brains," computers were once so big they filled entire rooms. It all started with ENIAC, the...
(6 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Canada Says Hello: The First Century of the Telephone
Topic timespan: 1945-1975

Candu: The Canadian Nuclear Reactor
Topic timespan: 1945-1997

Topic: Canada Says Hello: The First Century of the Telephone

If the telephone wasn't born in Canada, it was certainly conceived here. In 1874, in Brantford, Ont., inventor Alexander...
(3 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Candu: The Canadian Nuclear Reactor

Using technology developed for atomic bombs, Canadian scientists hoped to bring safe, economical power to an energy-hungry world. By...
(11 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Going Underground: Toronto's Subway and Montreal's Metro
Topic timespan: 1949-2000

The Avro Arrow: Canada's Broken Dream
Topic timespan: 1951-1997

Topic: Going Underground: Toronto's Subway and Montreal's Metro

They could zoom through underground tunnels at high speeds, transporting passengers to their destinations comfortably and efficiently. Canada's two...
(9 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Topic: The Avro Arrow: Canada's Broken Dream

It's the closest thing Canadian industry has to a love story and a murder mystery. The Avro Arrow, a...
(10 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Hydroelectricity: The Power of Water
Topic timespan: 1952-2002

Cancer Research: The Canadian Quest for a Cure
Topic timespan: 1953-2004

Topic: Hydroelectricity: The Power of Water

From rushing rivers deep in Canada's wilderness comes the electricity that keeps our cities humming. As a renewable, emissions-free...
(15 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Cancer Research: The Canadian Quest for a Cure

It's a dreaded disease that has afflicted humans for centuries. In recent decades, scientists around the world have been...
(7 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

What's Eating Canada's Trees?
Topic timespan: 1957-2004

Fighting Forest Fires
Topic timespan: 1957-2002

Topic: What's Eating Canada's Trees?

It begins as a tiny stowaway on a crate from Europe or Asia, a relocated piece of firewood, or...
(16 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Topic: Fighting Forest Fires

A dry forest, some hot weather, and high winds: all it takes to set off a raging fire in...
(8 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Launching the Digital Age: Canadian Satellites
Topic timespan: 1957-2000

Clearcutting and Logging: The War of the Woods
Topic timespan: 1958-2002

Topic: Launching the Digital Age: Canadian Satellites

Amid feelings of apprehension and anticipation, Canadians looked skyward as scientists launched satellites into the solar system in the...
(7 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Clearcutting and Logging: The War of the Woods

Vancouver's Clayoquot Sound. Manitoba's boreal forests. The Central Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. These picturesque locales have...
(19 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Troubled Waters: Pollution in the Great Lakes
Topic timespan: 1959-1996

Fighting Female Infertility
Topic timespan: 1960-2003

Topic: Troubled Waters: Pollution in the Great Lakes

Bacteria-laden beaches, lakes choked with algae and fish contaminated by industrial waste: these have been symptoms of pollution in...
(11 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Topic: Fighting Female Infertility

For many couples it’s their worst nightmare. Years of trying and still, no baby. Forty per cent of the...
(12 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Thalidomide: Bitter Pills, Broken Promises
Topic timespan: 1961-2002

For Good Measure: Canada Converts to Metric
Topic timespan: 1963-2002

Topic: Thalidomide: Bitter Pills, Broken Promises

It was supposed to be a harmless sedative for expectant mothers, but instead thalidomide caused thousands of babies around...
(7 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Topic: For Good Measure: Canada Converts to Metric

Depending on your perspective, it was either a sensible scientific shift, an annoying unnecessary change or a sinister communist...
(9 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Canada's Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Topic timespan: 1964-2005

'Comrade' Bethune: A Controversial Hero
Topic timespan: 1964-1999

Topic: Canada's Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Beneath our feet, Canada is constantly atremble. Earthquakes shake the country about 2,500 times per year, most too small...
(7 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Topic: 'Comrade' Bethune: A Controversial Hero

In China, he's been a national hero since his death in 1939. But in his birthplace of Canada Dr....
(6 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Topic timespan: 1966-2004

Inventing the Internet Age
Topic timespan: 1970-1998

Topic: Avalanche!

The side of a mountain suddenly collapses, transforming a pristine white blanket into a raging wall of destruction and...
(9 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Topic: Inventing the Internet Age

From early dreams of global information networks to the dominance of the World Wide Web, networked computers have changed...
(7 TV Clips, 13 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

David Suzuki: Scientist, Activist, Broadcaster
Topic timespan: 1972-2002

Endangered Species in Canada
Topic timespan: 1974-2004

Topic: David Suzuki:  Scientist, Activist, Broadcaster

For over three decades, David Suzuki has been Canada's foremost environmental conscience. From his experiments with fruit...
(8 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Endangered Species in Canada

The Labrador duck is long gone and the wild Vancouver Island marmot is struggling to bounce back, but the...
(10 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Canada Enters the Clone Age
Topic timespan: 1977-2003

Canadarm - A Technology Star
Topic timespan: 1979-2001

Topic: Canada Enters the Clone Age

Cloning has leapt from science fiction to science fact. Once merely the realm of imagination (a duplicate Elvis, a...
(16 TV Clips, 13 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Canadarm - A Technology Star

The Canadarm robot has boosted national pride and showcased Canadian technology for more than two decades. In space, the...
(11 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Acid Rain: Pollution and Politics
Topic timespan: 1979-2006

Marc Garneau: Canadian Space Pioneer
Topic timespan: 1983-2000

Topic: Acid Rain: Pollution and Politics

When fish started turning belly up in lakes and streams, North America's eyes were suddenly opened to the consequences...
(10 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Marc Garneau: Canadian Space Pioneer

His bravery is inspiring, his grace is charming and his credentials are out of this world. In 1984 Marc...
(10 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Long Lens of the Law
Topic timespan: 1984-2004

Genetically Modified Food: A Growing Debate
Topic timespan: 1994-2004

Topic: The Long Lens of the Law

You are being watched. From street corners and roadsides, bank machines and satellites, video cameras record our every move....
(10 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Topic: Genetically Modified Food: A Growing Debate

Since the introduction of the first genetically modified food, the "Flavr Savr" tomato in 1994, "GM" products can now...
(8 TV Clips, 9 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

"On This Day"