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May 16, 2000

CBC Fact Sheet

Cost of CBC to Canadians

  • CBC's Operating Parliamentary Appropriation: approximately $750 M funds 2 national television networks, 4 national radio networks operating coast-to-coast-to-coast in 2 official languages and eight aboriginal languages
  • $250 M supports 4 commercial free radio networks
  • $500 M supports 2 national television networks, including 25 regional stations and national distribution system
  • $200 M supports French Television, $300 M supports English Television
  • Total appropriation represents cost to each Canadian of approximately 7 cents per day
  • Total revenues stable or declining
  • Increasing dependency on advertising revenues
  • Competition and convergence are decreasing audiences for all conventional broadcasters
  • Advertising revenues will decline as a result

Total Cost of CBC Television: $530 M

  • This pays for: network programming; 17 regional stations; 11 domestic bureaus and foreign correspondents around the world; the world's longest television distribution system; microwave, land lines and nearly 700 transmitters; plus buildings and production facilities, management and administration.
  • This does NOT include the cost of CBC Newsworld which is funded separately through subscriber and advertising revenue.
  • $300M (approx. 60%) in parliamentary appropriation, $230M (approx. 40%) in self-generated revenue, largely from advertising.
  • 40% of CBC Television's budget is dependent on revenue earned.
  • CBC Television costs each Canadian less than 3 cents per day.
  • 90% Canadian content in prime time; 80% across full day

Comparison to BBC

  • Public funding approximately $7.5 billion (CDN)
  • Radio and Television services in one language
  • A distribution and transmission system serving a land mass approximately 60% the size of Newfoundland

Canadians' Opinions of the CBC: Pollary, May 1999

  • 7 out of 10 of Canadians believe CBC's current level of funding is just about right or too little
  • 9 out of 10 Canadians believe that having a public broadcaster that receives federal funding is important
  • 7 out of 10 Canadians believe that CBC Television does the best job of reflecting Canadian culture and Canadian values.


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