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July 21, 1999

InfoRadio: CBC Asks Federal Court of Appeal to Set Aside CRTC Decision on InfoRadio

Montreal — The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) filed an application with the Federal Court of Appeal for leave to appeal the June 21 decision of the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) assigning the 690 AM frequency to CKVL and the 940 AM frequency to CIQC. Both stations are owned by Métromédia. In the same decision, the CRTC denied the CBC's application to start an all-new French-language service, InfoRadio, in the Montreal market.

The CBC considers that in the process the CRTC made errors of law and jurisdiction. For instance, it based its decision primarily on technical considerations, in this case technical difficulties related to CKVL's use of the 850 AM frequency and to CIQC's use of the 600 AM frequency, without due regard to the content of the two competing proposals. The decision also failed to take account of the CBC's objectives to provide programming that reflects the realities and the diversity of the francophone community across the country. Furthermore, it allowed one of the parties, Métromédia, to substantially alter its application during the course of the hearings without giving the other parties the opportunity to respond adequately to the new elements. In so doing, the CRTC failed to give effect to the objectives of the Broadcasting Policy for Canada set out in the Broadcasting Act and failed to respect the principles of natural justice as well as its own Rules of Procedure.

If the Federal Court of Appeal agrees to hear the CBC's appeal, the court could set aside the June 21 decision and order a new round of hearing.

The CBC remains convinced that the introduction of a national all-news French-language radio service will meet a genuine need and contribute in a distinctive way to a stronger Canadian broadcasting system.

About CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. CBC/Radio-Canada reaches Canadians through eight national radio and television networks, its full-service Web sites, local/regional stations and affiliates, as well as the digital television channel Country Canada and the continuous music network Galaxie. In addition, CBC/Radio-Canada has forged partnerships with other broadcasters and is a partner in the satellite radio service SIRIUS Canada as well as in the specialty television services ARTV and The Documentary Channel. Through this array of activities, CBC/Radio-Canada brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives into the daily lives of Canadians in English, French and eight aboriginal languages. (2006)

For additional information, please contact:

Katherine Heath-Eves
Media Relations
CBC/Radio-Canada (Ottawa)
Tel: (613) 288-6235


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