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February 20, 2001

Congratulations to Michèle Fortin — Winner of the CWC Trailblazer Award

Michèle Fortin, Vice-President, CBC French Television, received yesterday the 2001 Trailblazer Award from Canadian Women in Communications (CWC).

This annual award honours women who have not hesitated to take risks and whose actions have cleared the path for women. Michèle Fortin is the first Francophone to win this award. CBC/Radio-Canada is very proud that her talent has been recognized in this way — the talent of a person who is relentless in her pursuit of excellence and who works tirelessly to fulfil the objectives essential to the development and enrichment of French Television. This dedication makes the entire CBC/Radio-Canada a richer and stronger organization.

In fact the strength of our organization comes from solid components that come together and create synergies which result in exceptional, high quality programs. Ms. Fortin's insight, intuition and innate ability to handle several jobs at once make her a most inspiring leader and visionary, to the great benefit of the whole Corporation.

Founded in 1991, Canadian Women in Communications (CWC) is the only national, bilingual, not-for-profit organization in Canada dedicated to supporting the advancement and involvement of women in the converging communications field. Its 1,400 members, in 12 chapters throughout Canada, are to be found in all sectors of the industry: radio, television, cable, telecommunications, film and video production, new media, and allied fields.

About CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. CBC/Radio-Canada reaches Canadians through eight national radio and television networks, its full-service Web sites, local/regional stations and affiliates, as well as the digital television channel Country Canada and the continuous music network Galaxie. In addition, CBC/Radio-Canada has forged partnerships with other broadcasters and is a partner in the satellite radio service SIRIUS Canada as well as in the specialty television services ARTV and The Documentary Channel. Through this array of activities, CBC/Radio-Canada brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives into the daily lives of Canadians in English, French and eight aboriginal languages. (2006)

For additional information, please contact:

Katherine Heath-Eves
Media Relations
CBC/Radio-Canada (Ottawa)
Tel: (613) 288-6235


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