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May 2, 2001

New Funding for the CBC is Good News for Canadians


Ottawa — Robert Rabinovitch, President and CEO of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, stated that the 60 million dollars of additional funding for the CBC announced today by the Prime Minister is very good news for the Corporation and for Canadians.

"This additional funding confirms in a concrete way Government's support for the CBC as Canada's most important cultural institution. This will allow for re-investment in high-quality, distinctive Canadian programming and enhance our ability to promote Canadian culture in today's multi-platform environment. This announcement is a recognition of our strategic directions to manage an efficient corporation and to focus our resources on programming," said Mr. Rabinovitch.

This announcement re-affirms the long-standing commitment of the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Honourable Sheila Copps, to support Canadian culture in Canada. For its part, the CBC will invest its new funding in strengthening its programming to ensure Canadians continue to benefit from the high-quality, distinctive Canadian programming they have come to expect from their national public broadcaster.

Canadians are strong supporters of the CBC. This new funding will allow the Corporation to increase the value Canadians are getting from the CBC. This is very good news for Canadians who are the real beneficiaries of this announcement.

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About CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. CBC/Radio-Canada reaches Canadians through eight national radio and television networks, its full-service Web sites, local/regional stations and affiliates, as well as the digital television channel Country Canada and the continuous music network Galaxie. In addition, CBC/Radio-Canada has forged partnerships with other broadcasters and is a partner in the satellite radio service SIRIUS Canada as well as in the specialty television services ARTV and The Documentary Channel. Through this array of activities, CBC/Radio-Canada brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives into the daily lives of Canadians in English, French and eight aboriginal languages. (2006)

For additional information, please contact:

Katherine Heath-Eves
Media Relations
CBC/Radio-Canada (Ottawa)
Tel: (613) 288-6235


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