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June 11, 2003

CBC/Radio-Canada Welcomes Heritage Committee's Reaffirmation of the Importance of Public Broadcasting

Ottawa — Today, the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage released its report on the Canadian broadcasting system, and in the process reaffirmed the continuing importance of public broadcasting in this country.

The report makes recommendations on a number of issues that have an impact on CBC/Radio-Canada, such as the Corporation's funding and the Canadian Television Fund (CTF), in addition to making recommendations on operational issues such as expanded satellite carriage of CBC/Radio-Canada's programming.

"We would like to congratulate the Committee on this important, timely and comprehensive report," said Carole Taylor, Chair, Board of Directors, CBC/Radio-Canada. "The report reaffirms the importance of public broadcasting as an essential tool for developing, preserving and sustaining Canadian culture. That's a significant statement not only about CBC/Radio-Canada's role as one of the country's most important cultural institutions, but also its role in providing a platform for distinctly Canadian voices.

Robert Rabinovitch, President and CEO, CBC/Radio-Canada, also welcomed the Committee's report, particularly its recommendations regarding CBC/Radio-Canada's funding.

"First and foremost, we are pleased that the Committee has recognized the importance of increased and stable multi-year funding for CBC/Radio-Canada," said Rabinovitch. "With this recommendation the Committee acknowledges not just our need to develop high quality distinctly Canadian programming across all of our services, but also the specific financial pressures and demands of the television production cycle."

Also on the issue of funding, CBC/Radio-Canada commends the Committee for echoing the television industry in recognizing that the Canadian Television Fund (CTF), while essential to the broadcasting system, needs improving.

"Clearly, the current funding model is not working," said Rabinovitch. "We need to work towards finding a more predictable model that provides greater stability, and greater support, to broadcasters committed to distinctive Canadian television."

Finally, with satellite television services an increasingly vital component of the Canadian broadcasting system, CBC/Radio-Canada is pleased that the Committee has recognized the importance of ensuring that all Canadians, wherever they live in Canada, have access to their national public broadcaster on satellite. CBC/Radio-Canada is particularly pleased that the Committee has recognized the importance to Canadians of the availability on satellite of CBC's Northern services.

The Committee's report is a clear endorsement of the important role that CBC/Radio-Canada continues to play, as this country's national public broadcaster, in the Canadian broadcasting system. CBC/Radio-Canada looks forward to the Government's response to the Committee's report.

About CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. CBC/Radio-Canada reaches Canadians through eight national radio and television networks, its full-service Web sites, local/regional stations and affiliates, as well as the digital television channel Country Canada and the continuous music network Galaxie. In addition, CBC/Radio-Canada has forged partnerships with other broadcasters and is a partner in the satellite radio service SIRIUS Canada as well as in the specialty television services ARTV and The Documentary Channel. Through this array of activities, CBC/Radio-Canada brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives into the daily lives of Canadians in English, French and eight aboriginal languages. (2006)

For additional information, please contact:

Katherine Heath-Eves
Media Relations
CBC/Radio-Canada (Ottawa)
Tel: (613) 288-6235


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