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May 29, 2006

Sylvain Lafrance and Robert Rabinovitch Defend the Objectivity of Radio-Canada French Services Staff

Montreal - The Executive Vice-President of French Services, Sylvain Lafrance, and President and CEO, Robert Rabinovitch, regret any confusion arising from the comments made by Guy Fournier, Chairman of CBC/Radio-Canada's Board of Directors, in an interview reported this morning in a major Montreal daily.

"I fiercely defend the high standards and integrity of our staff, who do an exemplary job. Radio-Canada has often been accused of being by turns too federalist or too separatist. But each time, upon closer examination, it's been shown that we don't take sides—that our programming reflects the wide range of viewpoints in our society," said Sylvain Lafrance.

"We have adopted some very solid mechanisms to guide our employees, while ensuring that those working on our programs remain balanced at all times," added CBC/Radio-Canada's President and CEO, Robert Rabinovitch.

By the very nature of its mandate, the Corporation reflects Canada's multiple perspectives and regional diversity to both national and regional audiences. Radio-Canada fulfills this mandate in French. With its network of regional stations and correspondents across the country, Radio-Canada has contributed more than any other media group to giving French speakers from coast to coast a glimpse of Canada's myriad realities. Through its programs, contests and recordings aired both at home and abroad, Radio-Canada actively promotes the vitality of Canada's French-speaking communities, whether in Acadia, Quebec, Ontario, or elsewhere in the country.

Each day, Radio-Canada's programs reflect Canada as a whole. Editorial independence is central to the public broadcaster's mission of enriching the democratic and cultural life of fellow citizens. The Corporation intends to maintain its freedom of expression, which is the very essence of a media group that serves all Canadians.


Guylaine Bergeron
General Manager, Communications
CBC/Radio-Canada French Services
(514) 597-4767


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