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It is our objective to open up the CBC Radio Archives as a source of teaching resources. Over the years, many educators who have heard radio programs that complement their classes have approached us.

CBC Radio aims to inspire learning more broadly and informally in topics such as science, nature, history, social issues and citizenship, leisure activities and children's entertainment.

CBC Radio has over 60 years of radio archived material accessible to educators via licensing. There is a wealth of educational programs and material available at CBC Radio.
Whether you are at ESL Teacher, grade school teacher or University Professor, CBC Radio has useful resources for you, which will help further your teaching ambitions.

If you're thinking about using audio in a course, but don't know what's available in your course area, by providing us with a reading list, a course description and some key words, you can hire a CBC Researcher to send audio files that will supplement your course material.

Please feel free to download our latest Educational Catalogue, as well as the Social Studies catalogue. * Please note that this file is only a small portion of the accessible content available. We can custom tailor to your specific needs.

Several CBC radio programs on the cbc.ca website allow you to search past programs for subjects or people that you may be looking for and allow you to stream selected programs at your convenience. Here are the addresses for some of the programs that could be useful in your classroom:

Quirks & Quarks
CBC Radio's popular science program, hosted by Bob McDonald, presents the people behind the latest discoveries in the physical and natural sciences as well as the political, social, environmental and ethical implications of new developments in science and technology.

Outfront is about new ways of storytelling - telling your story. Stories are told from the Canadian perspective about the Canadian experience.

The Sunday Edition
Sounds Like Canada
The Current
All these programs feature documentaries and interviews on many varied topics both national and international.

The Inside Track
A sports program that goes beyond the scoreboard and the headlines to the issues and people of the playing field. The documentaries and interviews focus on the human side of sports.

If you would like further information, or have a request for audio materials, please contact us.

Looking for television footage for the classroom? CBC Educational Sales provides educators and students with more than 500 titles selected from CBC's best documentary, performance, and special report offerings. The complete catalogue is accessible online.



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