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How do I navigate the site and find what I'm looking for?
Each Topic Page is a gateway to audio or video Clips on that Topic. Clips are displayed on the page in chronological order left to right, in several rows. Click on the "thumbnail" photos to access each Clip page. The newest features are located on the Archives home page.

What's the difference between the main clips and the additional clips?
In addition to the clips featured within the main storyboard, many topics also feature Additional Clips. These selections are audio or video clips from CBC's archives that are not part of the main story, but may also be of interest. Additional Clips do not have accompanying text.

How do I find comparable clips in French on the Radio-Canada Archives Web site?
Most of our Topics can also be found in French on the Radio-Canada Web site. These Topics are similar in approach but offer separate text and entirely different clips from the archives of Radio-Canada. On occasion we will link Topics on different but related subjects. Following the link at the bottom of the page will take you directly to the related Radio-Canada Topic.

How do I navigate whithin a clip page?
To the right of the Windows Media Player you will find three text tabs (which look like the tabs on the top of file folders): The Story, Did You Know? and Credits. In The Story tab, historical context is featured. Readers will find interesting facts and trivia in the Did You Know? Section. Information about the reporters, hosts, broadcast dates and more can be found in the Credits tab.

The tab you are reading will appear darker than the other two tabs. You can access any tab by clicking on it. This will not interrupt the clip if it is playing.

Some tabs have several screens of information. Click on the Next > link to read more, or < Previous to go back. If there is no more text for that tab, these links will take you to the next or previous tab.



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