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Home > For Teachers > The 1991 Gulf War

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  • The 1991 Gulf War
    In 1991, Canada sent over 4000 personnel to participate in the Gulf War. While a relatively small force, Canada provided a valuable service to the Coalition. In these activities, students have the opportunity to create posters supporting or opposing the 1991 Gulf War, produce a creative work in response to clips about Canada’s reaction to Canadian citizens of Iraqi descent during the 1991 Gulf War, work in a group to prepare a position paper about the use of chemical and biological weapons in the Gulf War, prepare a written work to share their response to the chemical fires in Kuwait, and compare the preparedness for conflict of today’s Canadian Armed Forces with the Forces in 1991.
    CBC Archives Topic: The 1991 Gulf War
    Exploring the topic in class:
    Introductory Activity
    All Grades
    Views on the 1991 Gulf War
    To identify arguments for and against Canada’s involvement in an international military conflict, to understand democratic rights in supporting or opposing government decisions
    Subject: Political Science, Social Studies
    Grades 6-8
    Immigration and Discrimination
    To respond creatively to a text
    Subject: English Language Arts, History, Political Science, Social Studies, Visual Arts
    Grades 9-10
    Using Chemical and Biological Weapons
    To identify arguments for and against using weapons of mass destruction
    Subject: History, Political Science, Science, Social Studies
    Grades 11-12
    The Fires of Kuwait
    To investigate the impact of the oil field fires in Kuwait
    Subject: Geography, Science, Social Studies

    Grades 11-12
    Preparedness of the Canadian Armed Forces
    To understand the current ability of Canada’s military to participate in world events
    Subject: History, Political Science


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