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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War > Victory! The End of the War in Europe

Victory! The End of the War in Europe

May 8, 1945, was a day to celebrate. It was VE-Day, the long-awaited moment when the Allied forces triumphed over Nazi Germany to claim victory in Europe. But the joy brought by news of peace was dampened by the memory of fallen comrades and the ongoing war in the Pacific. From the liberation of Holland through the German surrender, celebrations in Canada and the servicemen's return, CBC Archives follows Canadians as the war ends in Europe.

Preparing for peace

Canadians liberate Holland

Can it really be over?

 Preparing for peace

World leaders meet in San Francisco to form the United Nations and help prevent another world war. (Radio; runs 4:53)

 Canadians liberate Holland

Jubilant Dutch civilians greet Canadian soldiers as the Allies edge closer to victory. (TV; runs 1:29)

 Can it really be over?

Despite meeting German officers carrying a white flag, a Canadian colonel can't quite believe fighting has ended. (Radio; runs 4:28)

Germans sign unconditional surrender

Canada celebrates VE-Day

'I was all mixed up today'

 Germans sign unconditional surrender

The war in Europe is over when German commanders capitulate at Allied headquarters in Reims, France. (Radio; runs 6:03)

 Canada celebrates VE-Day

Shouting, dancing and waving flags, Canadians pour into the streets of towns and cities across the country to welcome victory. (Radio; runs 25:28)

 'I was all mixed up today'

A Canadian soldier at home remembers fallen comrades as he walks among boisterous crowds on VE-Day. (Radio; runs 4:43)

Mackenzie King addresses the nation

Revelry goes rancid in Halifax

'On to Tokyo'

 Mackenzie King addresses the nation

"The Nazi beast has been slain," says the prime minister, "but we must fight Japanese militarism until total victory is achieved." (Radio; runs 12:30)

 Revelry goes rancid in Halifax

A near-riot breaks out as sailors and civilians burglarize a brewery and loot local shops. (TV; runs 3:47)

 'On to Tokyo'

VE-Day is subdued in Washington as Americans look ahead to the ongoing war with Japan. (Radio; runs 5:09)

Back on 'Civvy Street'

 Back on 'Civvy Street'

What kind of future awaits Canadian servicemen after coming home from the war in Europe? (Radio; runs 13:54)


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