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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War > Seeking Sanctuary: Draft Dodgers

Seeking Sanctuary: Draft Dodgers

No one expected the Vietnam War to play out as it did. With thousands of young men fighting to the death overseas, another group of American sons fled their homeland and journeyed north to Canada. As the battle raged on and the antiwar movement divided the United States, draft dodgers and deserters struggled to forge new lives for themselves. Seeking sanctuary and the opportunity to make a difference, they changed their adopted country unquestionably. (Note: Some clips contain explicit language.)

We refused to go: The antiwar movement in Canada and the US

Safe haven in Toronto – Yorkville Village

Back to America!

 We refused to go: The antiwar movement in Canada and the US

Draft cards are burning and antiwar protestors are marching. The war in Vietnam has polarized citizens in both Canada and the United States. (TV; runs 3:32)

 Safe haven in Toronto – Yorkville Village

Spot the beatniks, oddballs, bohemia and draft dodgers in this area of Toronto. (TV; runs 2:49)

 Back to America!

A CBC columnist suggests that cowardly American draft dodgers should be extradited back to the United States. (Radio; runs 4:14)

Talking about home: Sammy Davis Jr. talks to draft dodgers

Trudeau opens the door to draft dodgers

Living in Fear: draft dodgers in hiding

 Talking about home: Sammy Davis Jr. talks to draft dodgers

Performer Sammy Davis Jr. interviews draft dodgers about their experiences in Canada. (TV; runs 10:03)

 Trudeau opens the door to draft dodgers

Canadians are sympathetic to the plight of the draft evader, Trudeau tells the American press. (TV; runs 3:29)

 Living in Fear: draft dodgers in hiding

From panic to paranoia, one draft dodger discusses how his life has changed since coming to Canada. (TV; runs 5:54)

Defending George Kaputo

How to desert the US Army in three steps

Destination Vancouver: Draft dodgers head north

 Defending George Kaputo

Radical university students try to protect and make a martyr out of a young army deserter. (TV; runs 13:10)

 How to desert the US Army in three steps

Bill Spira describes how draft dodgers and deserters can successfully cross the border into Canada. (Radio; runs 8:31)

 Destination Vancouver: Draft dodgers head north

Sympathy, marriage and freedom – draft dodgers are finding BC to be the ideal crossing point. (Radio; runs 26:29)

Amnesty – but not for all

All-American son: One family in two countries

The life of Jack Todd – A resister remembers

 Amnesty – but not for all

Under President Carter's unconditional pardon, draft dodgers are welcome to come home again. Military deserters, however, have been excluded from this pardon. (Radio; runs 4:57)

 All-American son: One family in two countries

The emotional scars of leaving a family behind continue to haunt one American draft dodger. (TV; runs 10:25)

 The life of Jack Todd – A resister remembers

One draft dodger pens his memoirs about his experience twenty-five years after the Vietnam War. (TV; runs 3:09)


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