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Home > For Teachers > Turbulent Skies: The Air Canada Story

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  • Turbulent Skies: The Air Canada Story
    Transportation played and continues to play significant roles in our lives as Canadians. Airplanes opened the skies to travel and our doors to the world, and Canada’s pride showed in its national airlines. CP Air long ago ceased operations; today, Air Canada recently dealt with its own serious financial difficulties. In these activities, students have the opportunity to examine the key events in the history of Air Canada; outline the key elements of a complaint report using Air Canada as a case study; identify criteria for success in business, create a rubric for judging that success, and use their rubric to analyze Air Canada’s success in a given area; create a diagram to show how job qualifications for certain airline-industry careers have changed, and compare and contrast Air Canada and Canadian National Railways and present their findings in a medium of their choice.
    CBC Archives Topic: Turbulent Skies: The Air Canada Story
    Exploring the topic in class:
    Introductory Activity
    All Grades
    Air Canada Timeline
    To gain an understanding of key events in the history of Air Canada
    Subject: History, Social Studies
    All Grades
    Four Criteria for a Highly Successful Business
    To analyze the major factors influencing the success of Canadian businesses
    Subject: Business Studies
    All Grades
    Changing Career Qualifications in Aviation
    To identify and compare key employability skills in the past and today
    Subject: Business Studies, Social Studies
    Grades 9-10
    Handling a Grievance
    To understand the role of customer service in business
    Subject: Business Studies, English Language Arts

    Grades 11-12
    Planes and Trains
    To compare types of businesses, to evaluate the impact of businesses on communities
    Subject: Business Studies, History


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