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Home > For Teachers > The Battle for Aboriginal Treaty Rights

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  • The Battle for Aboriginal Treaty Rights
    For years, Aboriginal peoples have been negotiating with, agitating against, and challenging the federal government in efforts to resolve a multitude of land claims. Aboriginal culture is closely tied to the land, and these claims help First Nations continue to salvage their heritage and traditions. In these activities, students have the opportunity to write a handbook outlining how to prepare a peaceful protest or profiling a well-know protest, write monologues, comic strips, or rap songs to present opposing views of events at Ipperwash, create and vote in a class plebiscite on an issue of their choice, identifying characteristics of majority and minority interests, examine and debate the issue of Aboriginal fishing rights and set up a classroom court to find a resolution, and prepare a software presentation detailing the extent to which the Canadian government should be open to Aboriginal land claims.
    CBC Archives Topic: The Battle for Aboriginal Treaty Rights
    Exploring the topic in class:
    Introductory Activity
    All Grades
    Environmental Protection
    To examine the events of public protests
    Subject: Geography, Political Science, Social Studies
    Grades 9-10
    Democracy in Action?
    To gain experience in ways that democracy balances the interests of the many with respect for the rights of the few
    Subject: Political Science, Social Studies
    Grades 9-10
    Fish Story
    To examine both sides of the debate over Aboriginal fishing rights
    Subject: Science, Social Studies

    Grades 9-10
    A Question of Identity
    To understand the link between Aboriginal culture and the land, to support an opinion
    Subject: History, Political Science, Social Studies
    Grades 11-12
    Is Violence the Answer?
    To examine opposing views of a public incident, to prepare a creative work
    Subject: History, Political Science, Social Studies


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