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Home > For Teachers > The Road to Bilingualism

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  • The Road to Bilingualism
    The Laurendeau-Dunton Bilingual and Bicultural Commission was given the challenge of finding a way to expand the use of French within Canada. Their work resulted in a document that eventually led to Canada’s adopting both English and French as official languages and promoted the use of French in government service across Canada. In these activities, students will create a multi-media work celebrating Canada’s French and English cultures, examine the need for a Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, write an opinion paper that explores whether the Commission helped forestall the separatist movement in Quebec, create a political cartoon that examines bilingualism in Canada, research the history and make predictions about the future of bilingualism in Canada.
    CBC Archives Topic: The Road to Bilingualism
    Exploring the topic in class:
    Introductory Activity
    All Grades
    Canada’s Founding Cultures
    To understand the contribution of French and English cultures to Canadian culture
    Subject: History, Social Studies, Visual Arts
    Grades 6-8
    Canada – Melting Pot or Cultural Mosaic?
    To explore different media to gain understanding on an issue
    Subject: History, Political Science, Social Studies
    Grades 9-10
    Caricaturizing the B & B Commission
    To expose students to political satire as a way of communicating meaning
    Subject: History, Political Science, Visual Arts

    Grades 11-12
    Bilingualism Today
    To determine the current relevance of the Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Canada
    Subject: History, Political Science, Social Studies
    Grades 11-12
    The Quebec File: Separatism and the October Crisis
    To research and analyze primary resource audio-visual files in both of Canada’s official languages; to develop skills in research, computer use, formal writing, debate, and collaborative learning
    Subject: History, Political Science
    Grades 11-12
    Preventing Separation Through Bilingualism
    To explore the impact of the Quebec separatist movement on Canadian politics in the 1960s
    Subject: History, Political Science, Social Studies


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