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Home > For Teachers > Ontario Elections: Twenty Tumultuous Years

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  • Ontario Elections: Twenty Tumultuous Years
    Once considered the most boring legislature in the country, Ontario has been the scene of political upheaval for the last 20 years. In these activities, students will have the opportunity to list and summarize the key elections, events, and personalities of the past 20 years in Ontario, write a campaign speech in the style of a recent or current politician from Ontario, write a report in role as a campaign adviser to their choice of political party, take part in a mock, pre-election debate among Ontario political parties, and investigate and compare the political platforms of both major and minor political parties in Ontario.
    CBC Archives Topic: Ontario Elections: Twenty Tumultuous Years
    Exploring the topic in class:
    Introductory Activity
    All Grades
    An Introduction to Politics in Ontario
    To gain some initial impressions and information about recent political events in Ontario
    Subject: History, Political Science

    All Grades
    Ontario’s Political Parties
    To prepare and present a detailed summary, to explore the platforms of Ontario’s political parties
    Subject: Political Science
    Grades 6-8
    Ontario Personalities and Politics
    To explore how personalities and leadership styles influence voters during election campaigns
    Subject: Political Science
    Grades 9-10
    Advising Ontario’s Political Parties
    To evaluate and improve a political party’s campaign performance
    Subject: History, Political Science, Social Studies
    Grades 11-12
    Ontario Election Debate
    To explore the platforms of the major political parties in Ontario
    Subject: Political Science
    Grades 11-12
    Ballot Box: Provincial Elections in Canada
    To develop research, organization, and writing skills; to gather and interpret data; to enhance oral, written, and visual communication skills; to summarize information, draw conclusions, and form hypotheses about political and electoral issues
    Subject: History, Political Science


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