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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Politics and Economy > Northwest Territories: Voting in Canada's North

Northwest Territories: Voting in Canada's North

The political process of Canada's Northwest Territories is as unique as its landscape. There are no political parties. Instead, candidates are elected by the community based largely on family ties and personality. The N.W.T has seen dramatic changes from its days of "benign neglect" before 1950 to the evolution of its current consensus-style of government. Deeply rooted in Native tradition, the Northwest Territories' distinct form of government has been described as the most interesting parliamentary system in the world.

Educational activities about
Northwest Territories: Voting in Canada's North

Making sense of consensus government

A political awakening

Native people power

 Making sense of consensus government

Deciphering the unique political landscape of Canada's North. (Radio; runs 10:09)

 A political awakening

Young Native leaders emerge on the Northern landscape. (Radio; runs 10:28)

 Native people power

Northerners participate in the 1983 election in unprecedented numbers. (TV; runs 1:51)

Campaigning on brotherly love

A popularity contest

Last election of its kind

 Campaigning on brotherly love

Brotherly love replaces political infighting in the N.W.T. (TV; runs 3:41)

 A popularity contest

It's all about personal politics in Canada's North. (Radio; runs 12:21)

 Last election of its kind

The 1995 election takes place on the verge of historic changes in Canada's North. (TV; runs 2:27)

Elections after the boundary makeover

Thinking outside the parliamentary political box

 Elections after the boundary makeover

The newly drawn N.W.T. holds its first election after the creation of Nunavut. (TV; runs 2:20)

 Thinking outside the parliamentary political box

Debating the pros and cons of consensus government. (Radio; runs 22:42)


Topic from Les Archives de Radio-Canada on the same subject
Also on
The Northwest Territories Votes 2003
Campaign news, riding profiles, voter resources, and more.

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