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Home > Politics and Economy > À la prochaine fois: The 1980 Quebec Referendum

À la prochaine fois: The 1980 Quebec Referendum

Do you want "a new agreement with the rest of Canada, based on the equality of nations"? That was the heart of the question placed before the people of Quebec in the May 20, 1980 referendum. René Lévesque's Parti Québécois was asking Quebecers for a mandate to negotiate "sovereignty-association", an idea that inflamed federalists and separatists alike. CBC Archives looks back at the vote that divided a province and changed a nation.

Canada's first separatist premier

Governing by referendum

Quebec wants 'a new deal'

 Canada's first separatist premier

In 1976, René Lévesque's Parti Québécois sweeps to power with a promise to seek an independent Quebec. (Radio; runs 7:31)

 Governing by referendum

In 1948, a referendum gave Canada a new province. Could it take one away in 1980? (TV; runs 20:47)

 Quebec wants 'a new deal'

A provincial white paper explains "sovereignty-association" and urges Quebecers to vote for independence. (TV; runs 3:14)

English vs. French?

'I'm just a girl who must say No'

Trudeau promises a renewed Confederation

 English vs. French?

Anglo-Quebecers overwhelmingly oppose sovereignty, and there are fears the debate is turning racist. (Radio; runs 8:37)

 'I'm just a girl who must say No'

The "Yvettes" stage a massive rally for the No side. (TV; runs 2:05)

 Trudeau promises a renewed Confederation

At an enormous rally before the referendum vote, the prime minister vows that a No vote will lead to change. (TV; runs 2:07)

Can Quebec afford to go it alone?

Quebec votes 'Non'

Momentum for change

 Can Quebec afford to go it alone?

A panel of experts discusses the economics of sovereignty-association. (Radio; runs 9:32)

 Quebec votes 'Non'

Lévesque concedes defeat, but assures separatists the cause is not lost, only delayed. (TV; runs 11:17)

 Momentum for change

Federal and provincial leaders say that now the referendum is over, the real work must begin. (Radio; runs 6:32)

La prochaine fois: coming soon?

 La prochaine fois: coming soon?

Ten years after the 1980 referendum, support for sovereignty is soaring once again. (Radio; runs 8:04)


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