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Home > Politics and Economy > The Berger Pipeline Inquiry

The Berger Pipeline Inquiry

It was going to be the biggest private construction project in history. But before a pipeline could be built from the Beaufort Sea to energy-hungry markets in the south, the impact on the North's people, economy and environment had to be determined. That task was given to Justice Thomas Berger, who embarked on an extraordinary three-year odyssey across the Arctic. His report shocked the government that appointed him, and was heralded by some as "Canada's Native Charter of Rights."

Educational activities about
The Berger Pipeline Inquiry

Canadians question the proposed Mackenzie pipeline

The gas companies give their pitches

Justice Berger prepares for his inquiry

 Canadians question the proposed Mackenzie pipeline

Objectors tear into pipeline proposals at a public debate in Toronto. (Radio; runs 10:06)

 The gas companies give their pitches

Two companies propose different pipelines down the Mackenzie Valley. (TV; runs 2:48)

 Justice Berger prepares for his inquiry

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Thomas Berger discusses his daunting task. (Radio; runs 13:03)

A shaky start for Berger hearings

'My nation will stop the pipeline'

Hundreds testify before Berger

 A shaky start for Berger hearings

Accusations fly as the Berger Inquiry opens in Yellowknife. (Radio; runs 5:50)

 'My nation will stop the pipeline'

An angry Dene chief tells the inquiry he will lay down his life to stop the pipeline. (TV; runs 5:48)

 Hundreds testify before Berger

Across the Yukon and Northwest Territories, hundreds of residents give the Berger Inquiry their opinions. (TV; runs 3:57)

Berger Inquiry hearings conclude

The Berger Report is released

Jubilant natives praise Berger's report

 Berger Inquiry hearings conclude

The Berger Inquiry wraps up today, and it's a last chance for natives and gas companies to state their cases. (Radio; runs 13:59)

 The Berger Report is released

Justice Berger's report is tabled, and it's a blockbuster. (Radio; runs 12:56)

 Jubilant natives praise Berger's report

Across Canada, native leaders celebrate the Berger Report as "the best statement on native rights since the Europeans came to Canada." (Radio; runs 11:49)

Berger releases his second report

Victors and victims of the Berger report

Twenty-five years after Berger

 Berger releases his second report

The second volume of Berger's report lays out a framework for socially and environmentally responsible development. (TV; runs 1:31)

 Victors and victims of the Berger report

As Inuit leaders celebrate Berger's findings, outrage boils over at the Inuvik Chamber of Commerce as business dries up. (TV; runs 12:48)

 Twenty-five years after Berger

The pipeline issue is still contentious, but by 2001, the North is another country. (TV; runs 21:19)


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