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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Politics and Economy > Death Penalty Debate

Death Penalty Debate

"You shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead." A judge has uttered these words to 1,300 Canadians. More than 700 of them actually went to the gallows before Canada abolished capital punishment in 1976. But opinions on the noose have tended to shift over time. Protests in the 1960s were met with questions about preventing the murder of police officers and prison guards. Today, the debate is ongoing, especially for multiple murderers like Clifford Olson and Paul Bernardo.

Educational activities about
Death Penalty Debate

Canada's last hanging

Murderer has dreams of being hanged

Quebec MP favours death penalty

 Canada's last hanging

Pickets protest a double hanging at Toronto's Don Jail. (TV; runs 1:14)

 Murderer has dreams of being hanged

In 1966, a Canadian man whose death sentence was commuted has nightmares about the gallows. (Radio; runs 1:16)

 Quebec MP favours death penalty

Liberal member of parliament says Canada's not ready to abolish capital punishment. (Radio; runs 2:18)

Opinions on the noose

Dief votes to abolish capital punishment

Prison guards support death penalty

 Opinions on the noose

Canadians comment on capital punishment. (TV; runs 2:41)

 Dief votes to abolish capital punishment

Prime Minister Diefenbaker casts a "No" vote. (Radio; runs 3:48)

 Prison guards support death penalty

Guards threaten a walk-out in support of capital punishment. (Radio; runs 7:46)

Canada's hangman

Death penalty abolished

Bring back capital punishment

 Canada's hangman

Hangman John Ellis says the noose is most humane. (TV; runs 6:20)

 Death penalty abolished

After a decade of furious debate, Canadian Parliament narrowly votes to abolish capital punishment. (Radio; runs 3:18)

 Bring back capital punishment

A poll finds British Columbians want to reinstate the death penalty. (Radio; runs 13:57)

Abolition upheld

 Abolition upheld

Parliament votes again to keep capital punishment. Any attempt to bring it back will now be twice as hard. (TV; runs 2:28)


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