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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Politics and Economy > René Lévesque's Separatist Fight

René Lévesque's Separatist Fight

In the 1960s, René Lévesque made Quebec separatism a reality. A shrewd politician, he gathered enough support to start the first sovereignty party Canadians took seriously. The Parti Québécois thrived because of his hard work, charm and democratic approach. In an era when some preferred to use firebombs to get their point across, Lévesque wanted Quebecers to vote on separation. Although the Quebec premier lost his 13-year fight after the 1980 referendum, he is remembered for winning countless other victories for francophones.

Educational activities about
René Lévesque's Separatist Fight

Are you a separatist or not?

Don't speak to me in French

Acadians have no need for Lévesque

 Are you a separatist or not?

Lévesque gets grilled by two astute journalists. (TV; runs 9:29)

 Don't speak to me in French

In 1966, racism against the French is palpable. (TV; runs 1:26)

 Acadians have no need for Lévesque

His separatist fight doesn't help French speakers in New Brunswick, says one Acadian. (Radio; runs 1:55)

Separatism gets a leader

'WASP arrogance!'

René, The Queen and the FLQ

 Separatism gets a leader

Lévesque announces the beginning of a new political movement. (TV; runs 2:42)

 'WASP arrogance!'

Lévesque is fed up with English Canada. (TV; runs 1:04)

 René, The Queen and the FLQ

The PQ leader discusses a variety of topics at this Saskatchewan press conference. (TV; runs 8:00)

Lévesque becomes Canada's first separatist premier

Language bill no use to Inuit in Northern Quebec

'Non' to sovereignty

 Lévesque becomes Canada's first separatist premier

In 1976 the Parti Québécois captures a majority government. (Radio; runs 7:31)

 Language bill no use to Inuit in Northern Quebec

Bill 101 could make French the official language of business in the province. (Radio; runs 2:55)

 'Non' to sovereignty

Lévesque loses his 13-year fight for separatism. (TV; runs 11:18)


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