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Home > Politics and Economy > Ontario Elections: Twenty Tumultuous Years

Ontario Elections: Twenty Tumultuous Years

The Ontario Legislature used to be called "the dullest chamber in all of Canada." For 42 years, the Progressive Conservatives and their "Big Blue Machine" ruled the province. But 1985 ushered the PCs out and an age of turbulence in with a Liberal-NDP coalition. In the next three elections, voters handed majorities to all three parties: a sweep for the Liberals, a stunning NDP victory and a sharp right turn with Mike Harris's Common Sense Revolution. In 2002 the new blue era continued with Harris passing the Tory torch on to Ernie Eves.

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Ontario Elections: Twenty Tumultuous Years

Conservative rule for 42 years

Challengers to the PCs

Post-election rant

 Conservative rule for 42 years

In 1985, Ontario's PCs have been in power since the Second World War. (TV; runs 2:56)

 Challengers to the PCs

With charisma and a song, the Liberals' David Peterson and the NDP's Bob Rae campaign hard in the 1985 election race. (Radio; runs 17:02)

 Post-election rant

The PC premier lets the Liberals have it in his speech to the Urban Development Institute. (TV; runs 1:34)

Down with the dynasty

Liberals paint the province red

Astonishing victory for the NDP

 Down with the dynasty

A coalition government topples the PC reign. (TV; runs 6:59)

 Liberals paint the province red

After two years as leader of a coalition government David Peterson and his party are elected to an overwhelming majority. (Radio; runs 8:30)

 Astonishing victory for the NDP

Even Bob Rae himself has a hard time believing he's premier in Ontario's first-ever NDP government. (TV; runs 5:55)

Who is Mike Harris?

Meet McGuinty

Hampton plays political hockey

 Who is Mike Harris?

Before the election the new premier was hardly a household name. (TV; runs 4:19)

 Meet McGuinty

New Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty must mend rifts in a party that has moved to the right of centre. (Radio; runs 1:41)

 Hampton plays political hockey

In this CBC interview the NDP leader says he's "taking over the ice." (TV; runs 7:32)

Two politicians from up North

 Two politicians from up North

If elected, Ernie Eves would rule the province Mike Harris-style. (TV; runs 5:05)


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Ontario Votes 2003
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