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Home > Politics and Economy > Pelts, Pups and Protest: The Atlantic Seal Hunt

Pelts, Pups and Protest: The Atlantic Seal Hunt

Those beseeching eyes were impossible to avoid. In the 1970s images of fuzzy white seal pups were everywhere as activists fought to end the seal hunt in Canada. Seals have been harvested for generations on the floes of the Atlantic coast, but concerns about killing methods and conserving the herd virtually ended the practice in the 1980s. The threat of too many cod-eating seals resurrected the hunt, and today anti-cruelty activists monitor an industry that's at its strongest in decades.

Educational activities about
Pelts, Pups and Protest: The Atlantic Seal Hunt

A dying industry

New rules to protect seals

Defending the hunt

 A dying industry

As the market for seal products declines, CBC looks at the history and traditions of the seal hunt. (Radio; runs 14:21)

 New rules to protect seals

Charges of cruelty prompt the Canadian government to enact seal protection regulations. (Radio; runs 4:10)

 Defending the hunt

Norwegian seal hunters demonstrate their tools and say their way of making a living has been misrepresented. (TV; runs 7:37)

'Barbaric and cruel'

The media campaign escalates

European Parliament endorses import ban on sealskins

 'Barbaric and cruel'

Hunt opponents say the harp seal is under threat of extinction and take their protest to the floes off Newfoundland. (TV; runs 5:04)

 The media campaign escalates

The Newfoundland government is on a mission to change public opinion about the seal hunt. (TV; runs 18:47)

 European Parliament endorses import ban on sealskins

Five million signatures on a petition and hundreds of letters from Canadians deal a blow to the sealing industry. (Radio; runs 10:45)

U.K. boycott threatens Canadian fishery

Ottawa ends large-scale seal hunt

Who had cod for dinner?

 U.K. boycott threatens Canadian fishery

The anti-sealing campaign in the United Kingdom lobbies grocery chains to stop stocking fish products from Canada. (TV; runs 17:28)

 Ottawa ends large-scale seal hunt

A ban on the harvest of whitecoat seal pups and offshore hunting of older seals effectively kills the seal hunt in Canada. (TV; runs 2:25)

 Who had cod for dinner?

Fisheries minister John Crosbie suggests seals are to blame for the collapse of Canada's cod industry. (TV; runs 7:32)

The seal hunt makes a comeback

Video prompts calls for more enforcement

Minister increases seal quota

 The seal hunt makes a comeback

With an already expanded quota for harp seals, Ottawa ponders allowing the return of large commercial operations. (TV; runs 2:07)

 Video prompts calls for more enforcement

Bloody scenes from the 1996 seal hunt prompt some Newfoundlanders to question the industry. (Radio; runs 2:34)

 Minister increases seal quota

Seal hunters can now take a total of 975,000 seals over the next three years. (Radio; runs 6:28)


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