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red all over red at play red hot seeing red rhythms of red
the woman in red red in the canadian imagination
Red is a colour of power and joy, of urgency and passion. In Canada, we proudly display the red in our flag. Reds and oranges characterize our autumn landscape. Red is also an internationally recognized colour that calls for help, such as the Red Cross or the Red Crescent. It is active, energetic and invigorating. It heats us up and demands our attention.

Reflect on the following works; the brilliant red leaves in A.Y. Jackson's The Red Maple; the painted, smooth wooden surface of Louise Bourgeois' Friendly Evidence; and the expansive stippled red surface of Jean McEwen's Red Interlacings. Red pervades the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada. It appears in multiple shades, textures, images, and forms.
National Gallery of CanadaCanadian Museum of Contemporary PhotographyCanada