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CBC Radio 3 @The Halifax Pop Explosion. Listen Now!

Posted by John on Oct 22, 2006 | 5 comments | » Post a Comment

What a show! Missed it? No worries, we have it right here. Well most of it anyway. And without the booze, and sexy audience members, but it still rocks. Please enjoy this fine selection of assorted tuneage from CBC Radio 3's showcase at The Halifax Pop Explosion:

Listen to Duchess Says set:

Listen to We Are Wolves set:

Listen to Jon-Rae And The River set:

Listen to Cadence Weapon set:

And of course, what would this post be without some pics. Check out our Flickr slideshow.

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Comments Board

Re: CBC Radio 3 @The Halifax Pop Explosion. Listen Now!

Posted on Oct 21, 2006

It is freakin' great. And after hearing John Rae I am very very very glad he's coming to London next weekend.

Once again thanks for the great show. But what's a guy gotta do to make CBC R3 think London's a worthy whistle-stop or locale for an event.

posted by tb3

Dutchess Says made the Pop Explosion

Posted on Oct 21, 2006

I just got home from this very show. I gotta say, Dutchess Says blew me away. They made the whole festival worth while. I can't wait until they come back to Halifax.

Also, props to We are Wolves, The Bicycles, the Sourkeys, and Shotgun and Jaybird; by all of whom I was thoroughly entertained.

posted by SpineRadioSteve

Re: CBC Radio 3 @The Halifax Pop Explosion. Listen Now!

Posted on Oct 21, 2006

By far the BEST concert i've ever heard!!!! Jon-Rae and the River Rocked the socks off of me. I love Jon-Rae and wish I could have been there instead of listening, but thanks for posting it!! Jeremy and I miss and love you tons Jon-Rae. Come home soon!

posted by laurisse

Wheres RDF?

Posted on Oct 25, 2006

Wheres the raising da fawn?

posted by vardo be

Re: CBC Radio 3 @The Halifax Pop Explosion. Listen Now!

Posted on Oct 27, 2006

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posted by danyfraser

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