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Exclaim! Mint Roadshow! Winds Into Winnipeg

Posted by Tariq Hussain on Oct 15, 2006 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

I'm writing this high above Manitoba now en route to Regina. But let's reflect on the whirlwind of yesterday's activities in Winnipeg shall we?

First off, I have to say that everywhere I went, I encountered the friendliest people. A very nice older lady on the airplane for example, named Fern, who has lived in Winnipeg all her life. She told me all about the jobs she had done in the last twenty years, everything from serving beer to gamblers at the racetrack to working in the linen department at Sears. Then there was the cabdriver named Buljinder who played me a tape of Punjabi music and kept pressing ‘pause' it in order to explain what each song meant. It was later pointed out to me that the slogan on the license plate for that province reads: "Friendly Manitoba". Now I get it.

OK, so let's move ahead to the evening where I met up with everyone at the Garrick Centre. It was pretty easy to find, as it was right around the corner from my hotel on Portage Ave. I later discovered that it was once a movie theatre, and I think part of it might still be a movie theater, though I'm not positive. I do know that there are multiple viewing rooms within that building as Carl Newman of The New Pornographers pointed out. Halfway through The New Pornographer's set he indicated how weird it was that they were playing in a twin cinema, just like the name of their latest album. Kurt the drummer piped up from behind the kit: "Is this a segue Karl?" It was, and they launched into the title track.

The New Pornographers closed out the night, but Novillero got the whole thing started. They were in fine form, despite the trauma from their van getting broken into earlier this week. By the way, I did notice a red van with a taped up window parked near the venue yesterday. I wondered if it was the one belonging to Novillero. I guess I'll see if it turns up again tonight in Regina.

It was good to see the crew from Immaculate Machine again. Kathryn Calder wins the prize for longest time on stage last night, as she joined the New Pornographers for their set as well.

When the lights came on at the end of the night, everyone seemed filled to the brim of their smiling faces with good music. The doors burst open to the lobby and as if the night couldn't get any better, fans were greeted by members of each band who were waiting at the merch table to say ‘hi'. Sharpies in hand, they signed CDs and God knows what else. I didn't stick around to find out, and headed back out into the cold Winnipeg night, my head full of minty fresh melodies.

Well, that's the story so far. I better go now - we're landing in a few minutes. Gotta put my table tray and seat into it's upright position. More to come later as the Roadshow continues....in Regina.

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Posted on Oct 15, 2006

Hey!! I met you in Toronto and you were pretty cool. You thought you already knew me...but then we established that you live in B.C....and I live in Toronto. You rock!

posted by losner

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