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How about See Vous Party... All Weekend Long! Whoo!

Posted by Grant Lawrence on Oct 03, 2006 | 12 comments | » Post a Comment

Hoochee mama, what a wild weekend in Toronto! Lots of people have already commented on the actual See Vous Play event itself, and I'll get to my own thoughts in a bit but I also wanted to mention how much fun the CBC Radio 3 and Bandeapart gang had in the Big Smoke over the weekend.

Besides being in town for Sunday's International Music Day (the original impetus for See Vous Play), we arrived one day early on Saturday September 30 just in time for a massive city-wide public art event called Nuit Blanche, where, as the name implies, everything was free, all over town, all night long.

I inadvertently ended up down on Queen Street West where the sidewalks were jam-packed with people walking in and out of all the little galleries that now line that area of the city. Art had taken over unconventional spaces as well, including car washes, empty lots, sidewalks and even directly in the middle of the street. Of the many incredible displays I took in from 11:00PM to 4:00AM, some of the highlights included the girl with the curly hair sleeping in a plexiglass box, Three Stooges films being projected on the side of a building, slowed down and to a score of horrific noises attached to each slapstick blow, an instant and ultra violent pillow fight between girls in pajamas, refereed by a man in a black bow tie, a human torch, a massive ice sculpture melting inside a car wash, and many incredible paintings in a plethora of galleries large and small. Even bought one!!

My only regret is that I didn't take in the all night action at the Trinity Pool (though I did speak to one soaking wet guy on Queen who got kicked out by a lifeguard for "swimming wasted"). We also just missed the 3:00AM elevator to the top of the CN Tower by three minutes, but I was exhausted by that point anyway.

The other exciting aspect of visiting Toronto on any given weekend is the amount of famous faces around town... in just three days, CBC Radio 3 producer extraordinaire Chris Kelly and I crossed paths with Hayden (walking through Parkdale), Gentleman Reg (at Nuit Blanche), Aerosmith's Steven Tyler (having lunch at Cora's, pointed out to us by a homeless person), Sloan drummer Andrew Scott (at the airport), Hockey Night In Canada's Ron McLean (outside CBC), and the first lady of rockabilly herself, Wanda Jackson (at the Cadillac Lounge). Chris even scooped me an autographed photo of Wanda, which inexplicably says "John - Rock On! Wanda Jackson ‘ 06". Uh... thanks.

As for See Vous Play, all I can say is thank you to the incredible audience that the show attracted. It was a huge thrill for me to speak to so many great music fans, and hear so much encouraging feedback. Thanks to Alejandro from Ecuador, Misha from Poland, Terry from Detroit, Michael from Shelburne Ontario, and the many fine folks from all over Toronto who made us feel welcome- fans such as Peter, Anand, Billy, Shelby, and Shannon and Lauren (the knitters).

It was especially formidable to also meet and work with the beautiful and talented and pregnant Natalie Poirier from Bandeapart as well as the rest of the Montreal crew. My favourite moments of the show were like many of the other attendees: being totally blown away by the showman and womanship of Les Breastfeeders, and getting the rock n roll chills from Joel Plaskett and the Emergency when he played "Love This Town", and the song of the summer, "Million Dollars". Thanks again to all who took part in See Vous Play, with a special mention to our music producer Don Pennington for his incredible and tireless organization, and a shout out to Chris Kelly (the guy in the three piece velvet suit) who actually came up with that perfect title - See Vous Play- for the event.

And yes, I passed out face down later that night.

See you on the radio (or this weekend at Pop Montreal!)

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Comments Board

See Vous Fancy Duds!

Posted on Oct 03, 2006

Grant, don't play like you didn't notice Chris' pink chucks. You thought you were right there, knee deep in your high school crush!

I am not sure who's outfit was better, yours or Chris Kelly's? Does the nod go to Herb Tarlic shoes or grade grad velvet?

posted by tb3

Missed Stuff, and didn't

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

My friend Dan Misener, half of the genius behind the Jim Dupree: Enthusiast video podcast, called me to tell me about Nuit Blanche, and subsequently showed me pictures he took of the events going on. Apparantly he attended a dance, held in a community centre gym, filled with plastic balls you'd find at Chuck E Cheese, being DJ'd by children under 11 years old. He said it was slick. And he also made it to the pool exhibit. Looked incredible.
Grant, you were so close to the P.A. Music Fest in Windsor, you should have dropped in, but at the expense of missing Nuit Blanche, you shouldn't have...
As far as the concert, which Misener was also attending, I was amazed at how great the online footage was. I watched it in the kitchen at Phog, while customers asked if they could come and watch in the back.
I would watch every event this way if I couldn't attend myself.
Keep it up CBC3, we are very impressed!
It was also nice to see Joel Plaskett preform on a bigger stage. When he played here, he was perched on our "giant stair" that we call a stage.
Windsor, ON

posted by phogtom

See Vous Crushed Velvet

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Chris's chucks were unfortunately NOT pink like my high school crush wore in grade ten (as documented in podcast #70) but were in fact a sickly combination of ORANGE and MUSTARD... kind of like the colour of an emu's diarrhea (yes I know exactly what that looks like - I thought they liked thai food! Duh!). Though he was wearing a crushed three piece navy blue suit which was pretty great...

posted by Grant Lawrence

See Vous Gold Lamay!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

You best be one-upping Chris then next CBC R3 outing... I am thinking gold lamay tux, avec une bedazzled cod piece à la Cameo!

And there were clearly not enough bolo ties.

posted by tb3

Re: How about See Vous Party... All Weekend Long! Whoo!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

are you saying Chris was better dressed than me at See Vous Play?

posted by Grant Lawrence

I was.

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

I was.

posted by Chris Kelly

Side Note.

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

The Chuck's matched my tie.

posted by Chris Kelly

It's a walkoff!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Grant, I think your shoes were the wind out of the east the blew the ball over the fence as it were. However, props where props are due, crushed velvet, in the form of three piece suit and the sweat and b.o. that will ensue, do get him close the warning track. This one's too close to call. Me thinks it will go to whomever drops "blue steel".

posted by tb3

Re: How about See Vous Party... All Weekend Long! Whoo!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

My clogs matched my ascot.

posted by Craig Norris

Re: How about See Vous Party... All Weekend Long! Whoo!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Craig, speaking of which, the garden nome from Travelocity called... he'd like his shoes back.

posted by tb3

Re: How about See Vous Party... All Weekend Long! Whoo!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

It was a great show, but I was a bit disappointed that the swag shop didn't have any Radio 3 T-shirts for sale. Is there <i>any</i> way to buy one?

posted by craigbear

Re: How about See Vous Party... All Weekend Long! Whoo!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Guys, what can I say, except "thanks for the tickets". The SVP show was awesome. I'm from Halifax, and coincedentally, a friend and I planned to be in town Sunday to work. I picked up 2 tickets from you the week before and was absolutly blown away at the show. As usual Joel was fantastic, and so were the other 3 acts!
Al & Paul

posted by daddyO

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