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I Wish I Knew How to Quit You

Posted by John on Oct 05, 2006 | 3 comments | » Post a Comment

I have a confession. I think I'm addicted to American politics.

I know that as a proud Canadian and CBC employee no less, I should be pushing the homegrown, but face it... with few exceptions, Canadian politics are about as exciting to watch as golf, whereas American politics are not unlike professional wrestling. Just when you think it's about to get boring, somebody jumps into the ring swinging a chair. What can I say? I'm in it for the travesty.

Such was the case early this week. I figured I had kicked the habit this summer, and up until last week I was doing great, but then the sex scandal involving the now-ex-Congressman Mark Foley broke, and I knew it was all over. This was a cage match I couldn't resist.

Next thing you know I'm binging on Malkin, Foosballs, C&L, and Americablog. I even found myself checking out Drudge after spotting it on Christiansen's monitor this morning, which is when it dawned on me that I've suffered a total relapsed.

It doesn't sound all that bad, but trust me. It is. When I get home tonight I'll likely plunk my wee boy down in front of the teevee just so I can visit Technorati and see what's gone down in the few hours since I last checked. Nasty.

They say that the first step in getting over something like this is acknowledging that you have a problem. And so I send this plea directly to my own brain. Can I please stop paying attention now? I'll feed you stuff like this instead. Deal?

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Re: I Wish I Knew How to Quit You

Posted on Oct 05, 2006

Hey they poohbear, why so blue?

Don't beat yourself up over it. It's better to think of the Americans as your dumbass neighbour to the left of you who takes his earthtone floral print velour couch out in the front yard and washes it with a Karcher, and then dries it with his Black & Decker leaf blower.

Sure watching him four hours a night, every night after work, and even running home at lunch and spending a whole hour on 'stakeout' won't bolster your claim in bettering humanity, but damn, when he does something stupid, if don't make you feel better about your place on this hurly-burly ride.

And if that doesn't help you, blame the internet... it's what I do.

posted by tb3

Daily Show = news source, btw

Posted on Oct 05, 2006

From http://www.editorsweblog.org/news/2006/10/us_jon_stewart_is_no_joke.php

"An Indiana University professor has found that The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the popular “fake” news show, has just as much substance as the traditional evening news. Professor Julia R.Fox systematically contrasted the Daily Show’s 2004 election coverage to that of the major television networks.

Fox’s study, “No Joke: A Comparison of Substance in The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Broadcast Network Television Coverage of the 2004 Presidential Election Campaign," is the first academic study to methodically compare the Daily Show to its more “serious” rivals.

According to Fox, the amount of hard news in each is comparable."

Ya don't say!

posted by Toque


Posted on Oct 07, 2006

Who is this erudite tb3?

posted by TheRadioHead

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