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Interview: Hawksley Workman "Sexy"

Posted by Jenna Chow on Oct 04, 2006
9 comments | » Post a Comment

So the other day, I'm hanging out all by myself in air-conditioned Studio 22, the place where Radio 3 is broadcast, trying not to freeze my butt off, when the studio door swings open and in whirls a caffeine-induced flurry. His name?

Hawksley Workman. He'd arrived from Ottawa only hours earlier, and carried with him his sexy carry-on luggage...a plastic supermarket bag.

"Why are you so damn hyper?" said I.

"I just had my first cup of coffee in five months, and a damn fine chocolate chip cookie that was not too hard, not too soft...just right."

"It was 'al dente'," said Steven McGrath, Universal publicist and Hawksley's chaperone.

We all laughed, and then Hawksley told me all about all of his sexiness; his two sexy bikes, his sexy truck, and plans to do healthy things like yoga.

In fact, if you take a shot of whatever your poison is every time he says "sexy", I guarantee you'll be toasted by the end of the interview!

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Comments Board

Re: Interview: Hawksley Workman "Sexy"

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Hawksley brings his A game every time he talks. I laugh my ass at his asides.

posted by tb3

Re: Interview: Hawksley Workman "Sexy"

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

I like where he's got his head.

posted by Chrisk


Posted on Oct 05, 2006

no more Hawkley. I can't take that much sexy.

posted by Zoom


Posted on Oct 05, 2006


posted by Zoom


Posted on Oct 05, 2006

really, enough with this guy. Oooh, he's sexy. We get it. He had a chocolate chip cookie...isn't that "sexy"? His music isn't all that impressive, but he does strike a pose well.

posted by sdrury01

Choco-chip Hawksley

Posted on Oct 05, 2006

When there are more men in this world expressing themselves as sexy as Hawksley, we'll all stop talking about how sexy he is. But this hasn't happened yet...and therefore:
My god this man is sexy. I'm making choco-chip cookies in his honour tonight.

posted by Zoom

spreken zi jealous?

Posted on Oct 05, 2006

"His music isn't all that impressive"
agree to disagree...

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named him Hawksley Workman, which of course in German means a whale's vagina...

Say what you will about there being too much Hawksley, but I for one would love if there were more artists who didn't offer up responses in interviews that are the typical canned, musician responses...

posted by tb3


Posted on Oct 06, 2006

OK, Hawksley is sexy, Happy?

posted by sdrury01


Posted on Oct 07, 2006

Who is this articulate tb3?

posted by TheRadioHead

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