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Looking For A Late Afternoon Nap With Smitty

Posted by John Smith on Oct 23, 2006 | » Post a Comment

Woke up in Fernie extremely hungover. Thankfully the drive to Calgary is a short one, and our hotel was booked and ready for a late snooze before heading to sound check. All we gotta do is drop Bird The Record Nerd off at some out of the way house for some secret-mission-type vinyl liberation and then sweet, sweet salvation awaits at The Royal Wayne Motor Inn.

After what seems like weeks we find the spot and the Bird flies the coop (it was in one of those neighbourhoods where the streets ain't even have names like street, or avenue, it was all Ranchero Link, Livingstone Heights, Byfield Cove, and Huntington Mews. Mews. What the hell is that about?).

So check this out. In Winnipeg we played The Royal Albert. In Fernie we performed and stayed at the Royal. In Calgary we're holed up at the Royal Wayne Inn. So I wanna know where's my Harley Race crown and purple velvet cape? Next tour...

Calgary and The Distillery were great, like always. Loyal, informed listeners and top notch treatment from our promoter (Big ups Cosm) and the staff at the venue (Philly is the man). Kicked it with lotsa old friends, some Winnipeg ex-pats, some Calgary regulars we been seeing for years. I don't know if I should send a shout out to Punk Rock Dan for lacing us with some shots fulla harsh liquor and Tabasco, those ones almost killed Bird and I. What they were called I don't think I'm willing to type out, raunchy stuff. I'll shout his band out, they're called Sheglank'd Shoulders, don't front.

A 3 AM pizza and wings freakout and now its up and on to Vancouver. Today we're having a demo listening party in the ride. If your CD is wack it gets frisbee'd out the window...

Birdapres & John Smith are blogging from the road on their cross-country Peanuts & Corn Tour.

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