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Mountie, Beachcomber, Prophet?

Posted by Grant Lawrence on Oct 26, 2006 | 6 comments | » Post a Comment

At present, the CBC Radio 3 team sits in offices at the CBC "bunker" in Vancouver as demolition rages around us. Crews are working loudly and feverishly to create new condos attached to our downtown location, as well as completely renovating our decades-old concrete bomb shelter.

The very first time I ever entered this bizarre, extremely dated structure was when I was seven years old, in grade two, on a day time field trip tour of CBC. We walked through the various hallways seeing how it all worked, and when we finally all arrived back in the lobby, our path crossed greatness. There before us was a bonafide Canadian television star... Mr. Jackson Davies, the young, bald, hilariously befuddled cop from the world-renowned show The Beachcombers. Of course he wasn't wearing his RCMP costume at the time, so when he asked the class "who can tell me what character I play on the Beachcombers?" I immediately shot up my hand.
"Yes, you, the one in the back that looks like a cross between Woody Allen and Urkel?"

"You are the policeman!" I shrieked through a nasal cavity stuffed with snot.

"That's right, little nerd! I am the policeman! Step forward!"

I pushed through my classmates and stood side by side with the great Mr. Jackson Davies. He put his warm hand on my shoulder and said "you know what, kid, you may be an outrageous geek now, but you may just have a future in this place".

Thank god my parents allowed me to watch a show that came on right after "Disney" on CBC, the entire premise of which was a Greek guy who drove a beat up boat around Howe Sound in British Columbia salvaging logs with his First Nations buddy.

This past weekend while riding a BC Ferry through those very coastal waters, I ran into Mr. Jackson Davies seated with his wife and was able to interrupt their conversation, and, after these many years, let him know that his off-the-cuff soothsaying was correct. Thank god for rock ‘n' roll radio! Mr. Jackson Davies and his wife are fantastic people. Thanks to Chris Kelly for capturing the moment. Let's relive the magic of The Beachcombers right now.

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Comments Board

As Canadian as stubbies of Schooner!

Posted on Oct 26, 2006

I won't lie to you, I just about shit my drawers early this when I heard the Beachcombers theme on 94. Too funny. Now you got to run into Bruno Gerussi or Relic!

But a true piece of Canadiana would be running into Joseph Campanella.

posted by tb3

great guy

Posted on Oct 27, 2006

That old smooth talking soothsayer. I have the good fortune to live on the coast and it is just like the show...
I've met Jackson Davies and found him to be a great guy. Hey he told me the 'camera loves me' ......maybe that is more of a statement. Anyhow, I loved your story and am amazed by life and how the forshadowing is all there if we pay attention.

posted by arttart

Re: Mountie, Beachcomber, Prophet?

Posted on Oct 27, 2006

my unclewas his stunt double!

posted by amfarrell

Re: Mountie, Beachcomber, Prophet?

Posted on Oct 27, 2006

what!?! he told me he did all his own stunts!! if fact i had no idea

a) the CBC could afford stunt men
b) the Beachcombers did anything that actually called for a stunt man

Anybody remember the Beachcombers episode called "Live Wire"?? The entire half hour plot was a wire coming down in a storm and Constable Constable by mistake parking his cop car on top of it.

Then Nick and the gang rescued him within 22 minutes of high-tension action and comedy!

posted by Grant Lawrence

Re: Mountie, Beachcomber, Prophet?

Posted on Oct 27, 2006

I believe we have a Beach Combers Superfan in the hizzay?

posted by tb3

Geek Boy

Posted on Oct 28, 2006

I was thinking of more in the dust management area, but you landed on your feet kid.

Next year is the 35th anniversary maybe a musical tribute with the bands.
Molly's Reach
The Beachcombers
and Bruno Gerussi's Medallion or maybe just all hum the opening.

The Prophet Jackson

posted by beachcop

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