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Musician Minute With Paul Aucoin of the Hylozoists

Posted by Lisa Christiansen on Oct 05, 2006 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

It's such a great pleasure to meet Paul Aucoin. He's like the ground zero of Canadian indie rock, connected to musicians either through producing, playing or having them in his own band the Hylozoists.

And not only does he have lots of music lore to impart - he's just so damned smart. He names his super group after a school of ancient Greek philosophy that believed that life is inseparable from matter (I don't understand either), and he also uses all that reading to name his songs. Paul says that one of the best things about making instrumental music is giving the compositions titles.

In this CBC Radio 3 feature we call the "Musician Minute", he explains the story behind "The 50-Minute Hour" from his record La Fin Du Monde.

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Posted on Oct 05, 2006

Man, now I wish I'd seen these guys when they were at The Boathouse. Cool story.

posted by geekwad

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