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My friend told me that Vancouver is fast becoming the New Montreal. That was about the time I laughed in his face.

Posted by Chris Alscher on Oct 18, 2006 | 6 comments | » Post a Comment

Just when I start dropping my guard ever so slightly and perhaps admit that maybe Vancouver is carving a nice little indie rock scene for itself, the people I used to call friends stab me in my rock n' roll heart.

Jason Grimmer
(Nasty On, The Christa Min, Anenomes) leaves for Montreal and so do The Winks and then I hear that Shapes and Sizes might be following suit. Then there are rumours about The Organ's demise. And now I hear that my favorite female trio's reported hiatus has turned into a full blown break up.

Vancouver's New Years Resolution consisted of singer/keyboardist Dana Ayotte, formerly of the Stunts, singer/guitarist LL Schultz, formerly of Queazy and the Skinjobs, and drummer Melanie Covey, also of great instrumental three piece, Trail Vs. Russia.

Their only release, Bullets of Love, was one of my top 5 favorite albums of 2005, featuring great songs such as "Death March on the Tone Bank" and "World of Time". Their lively sets were heightened by LL's wonderfully humorous banter. Their last show was July 15th at the Marine Club, opening for Joel and the Last Neighbours.

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uh so what's the point

Posted on Oct 18, 2006

So is this finished... The title of this post invited a summary of points and summary statement that explains why you laughed in his face. Like school. Thesis, facts, argument, proof and summary. It is however safe to say that Vancouver is fast and continuously becoming the New Vancouver. How many bands move to Vancouver each year? Lots, but most go home eventually or move to Montreal. Vancouver is an incubator of sorts for new bands. Those that stay fade or hack away in obscurity. A generalization maybe. As an aside... considering the size of Toronto, it sure ain't produced a lot in in the last 25 years. Name a couple seminal Punk bands from TO. I'm stumped.

posted by Kegger


Posted on Oct 18, 2006

Seminal punk band from Toronto... Dude, what about Slick Toxic or Brighton Rocks?????

posted by tb3

Re: My friend told me that Vancouver is fast becoming the New Montreal. That was about the time I laughed in his face.

Posted on Oct 18, 2006

I was told explicitly from both Katie Sketch, lead singer of the Organ, and their manager, that the Organ have NOT broken up!! This from the lead singer and the manager in person!

posted by Grant Lawrence


Posted on Oct 18, 2006

Vancouver becoming Montreal! Maybe it was becasue Grandville is all torn up ,other than that I see no ......becoming of...

posted by arttart


Posted on Oct 18, 2006

What, can't take the truth?

posted by thebrett

une question pour brett

Posted on Oct 19, 2006

I thought 'the' came after 'brett' but, before 'hitman'?

posted by tb3

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