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NMC Track of the Day for Friday, October 27th, 2006: We Are Wolves - "Non Stop"

Posted by Lisa Christiansen on Oct 27, 2006 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

Ok, so Craig and I are on the same wave length for NMC picks. But it's not like there was a shortage of great bands to recommend that played The Halifax Pop Explosion.

For instance: We Are Wolves - electro rock artists from Montreal. This trio is amazing to watch live as they fill the venue with their sexy hard rock tunes and swagger. And as well as sharing their gifts on stage, they share beer. A worthy trait.

If this great song called "Non Stop" has you wanting more, I can deliver. Just look up to your left and see the Halifax icon. Their whole Radio 3 set from our showcase is captured for you listening pleasure.

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How much does good therapy go for these days?

Posted on Oct 27, 2006

The peeeeeeOOOOOOOOrrrrrrrrrr sound effect in this song reminds me of the Fisher Price space shuttle I got as a wee lil' kid. Anyone remember that thing? It had three buttons on the wing. One made a blastoff sound, one made a laser gun sound (like the one in this song). But damned if I could remember the noise the third sound was.

That Space Shuttle didn't hold a candle to the Radio Shack Fireman's helmet I had – complete with siren on top that lit up and made the noise. The same very helmet that my 'loving' older brothers convinced me streak out of house to the street and back. In nothing but my costume de l'année (birthday suit). So I barrel out the door, naked as a jaybird, make it to the street and all the back to the door completely undetected by the neighbourhood only to find that my brothers have locked the door.

All I can hear from behind the door is the laughter of my older brothers. Its about then, I realized I had been had before I even left the house.

Cue the eye plumbing.

So there I am, butt naked, siren a blarin' on the front porch, bawling and screaming for someone to open the door. It does after quite a few minutes. I am sure that was one of Dad's prouder moments finding his son standing at the door naked, crying in this helmet Santa had just given him for Christmas. Siren going.

It's hard to believe it's been almost a year since that day…

The point is, I like this song.

posted by tb3

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