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NMC Track of the Day for October 13th, 2006: Raising the Fawn "Carbon Paper"

Posted by Lisa Christiansen on Oct 13, 2006
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Although John Crossingham is a member of that crowded Toronto band/family Broken Social Scene, his other project Raising the Fawn doesn't get that much attention. So before it has to wail on the floor, I'm here to heap some praise.

The rock trio released The Maginot Line in the spring after a two-year break between projects. It's a beautiful collection of atmospheric rock songs that are both heartfelt and melodic. The songs, especially my pick for the day "Carbon Paper" grow on you with each listen.

The album was recorded in Sarah Harmer's home studio and I agree with one reviewer who said you can feel the power of the rustic setting on the music. (I think I'll pitch the idea of hosting from the south of France - imagine how good I would sound with all that sun and wine).

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Le Lackie

Posted on Oct 13, 2006

Will you need someone to test the wine for poison or dirty feet? I'd be glad to offer up my services, for a free ride. I'm that great of a guy. Plus my franglais will help you sound like way more rustic.

posted by tb3

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